Who is Mommy Bridgette?

Mommy Bridgette

New Member
Good question. As you all know I am the Mommy of Mutant Hitler, but I also am a real estate agent and also have two sisters and one brother.
I am the eldest of the three, and like I said, I met Mutant Hitler on Diaper Space, a sort of MySpace for Adult Babies and Diaper Lovers.
I attend a Baptist Church, and I am a contributing member of society.

Anyways, I tink some people make wrong assumptions about us. Let me, if you will, correct some of those.

1) If you go to any Ab/Dl site, you will find, as a community, were against child abuse of any kind. The reason for this is that a) many of our community members were abused as children and b) were not attracted to children. We, as you, hate child molesting animals, and we don;t put up with them. There are many cases where some idiot has joined a chat thinking we'd except their pedo desires. We don't. We have actually helped police to find these people and aided in persecuting them.

2) Most of us are contributing members of society. Except for those with serious physical or mental disabilities, we like you hold jobs and pay taxes. Mutant Hitler has a number of documented mental illnessess such as O.C.D, Bipolar Disorder and Schizoaffective Disorder. He dosen;t work, but he is in the minority.

3) People mistakenly believe this is started as a "kink". Most started BEFORE puberty, and after puberty it took off. Just as gay young men and women are gay before their adults, so are Adult Babies and others. Hopefully, the information we provide to those "coming out of the closet" will help them accept themselves more and stop feeling guilt and shame for what they really can't help.

3) We're of every religion, ethnicity and sexual orientation. Any attempt to assume you can stereotype or make sweeping generalizations on whom an Ab or DL is, or what they look like will ultimately fail. We have Asian, African American, Caucasian, Atheist, Christian, Buddhist, Wiccan, Pagan, Jewish and every combination inbetween.
The same applies on the assumption of WHY they are the way they are. Studes show there is a variety of causes, and that no one knows the ONE cause of it, yet. Studies also show that "quitting" it rarely works, and there has, so far, been no documented "full remision" of it. Some where beaten and abused, some had great parents, some are old and some are in their late teens and early twenties.

Please understand, above all, that if you hear someone saying we approve of illegal behavior, that as a community it is not true. We don't. Some sites even contribute to causes to end child abuse.
In fact, most molesters turn out to be Hetrosexual men and women. Unless one is willing to assume, from the few sick animals that do this that ALL Hetrosexual men and women are child molesters, it would be as erroneous as to assume that we do as well. In fact, most wars are caused by Hetrosexual men. Are all Hetrosexual men violent? No. Most domestic abuse is caused by Hetrosexual men. Are all hetrosexual men woman beaters (or man)? No. Making sweeping generalizations only illuminates the emptiness of thought and stupidity of the one who holds it.


Sinless and Purrfect


Sinless and Purrfect
Noone cares about you, your past, your lame fetishes, the drivvle you chosse to post, or if you live or die.

Although, you dying wouldnt be a bad thing.


New Member
Too long, didn't read. Go back to fondling children. We do not care about your sick ways or the fact that you can't distinguish between 33 year old man and 12 year old boy.

Thanks for reading.


lkjewro23piqjur2oijkslfaw e
I'm pretty sure that Briggy's a huge flaming cunt.

What a fag.

Mommy Bridgette

New Member
That time would be spent more wisely searching for a good psychiatrist.

That assumes there is something wrong with me, dear Sniper Kitty. I can tell you I'm fit as a fiddle and very happy with my life.

Are you in need of prayer too, hun? I'll put a good word to the Lord for you.


New Member
1. Your prayers fall on deaf ears.
2. God does not like sick-o's.
3. "God don't like ugly."
4. Hell won't be kind to you.
5. "Prayer" isn't an effective insult.
6. ???
7. Elnidfse

Hope this helps out for ya.


TK addict
i don't get it because you say its not sexual but the big boy polishes the knob, no doubt turned on by your "relationship". You wipe his ass and it turns him on and he rubs one out what have you. So this is a sexual relationship no doubt about it.

Mommy Bridgette

New Member
i don't get it because you say its not sexual but the big boy polishes the knob, no doubt turned on by your "relationship". You wipe his ass and it turns him on and he rubs one out what have you. So this is a sexual relationship no doubt about it.

So he masterbates! Geez...And your point is? Yes, he enjoys being treated that way. I just don't have sex with him.


New Member
So he masterbates! Geez...And your point is? Yes, he enjoys being treated that way. I just don't have sex with him.

And as you type this onto an internet full of trolls and assholes you pause to think that instead of being interested and full of joy we are doing nothing more then probing you with dumb questions and laughing as you shake in silent anger while you type out a long remark giving an answer that nobody asked for to a crowd that does not care. To remedy this intense case of tragedy I recommend that instead of shooting yourself in the head, you follow the instruction manual for commiting Hara Kiri, the Japanese form of suicide to restore honor after shame, in order to cleanse the world of your disgusting taint.


Sinless and Purrfect
RL pic of Mommy Bridgette

So he masterbates! Geez...And your point is? Yes, he enjoys being treated that way. I just don't have sex with him.
When you put it that way.........
Youre even more of a fucked up sicko. It is a big deal when grown men stroke thier sin while you wipe shit from thier asses.

You should know that, and would if you werent delusional from all the shit you eat from that dog dish that Mutant Hitler potties in. How can you eat so much scat but not be dead yet? STFU


TK addict
Its okay Mommy bridgette i would rub one out while you were "cleaning me up" so to speak. But I'm all good with the diapers and being treated like a baby. I would just like the submissive action.

Mommy Bridgette

New Member
And as you type this onto an internet full of trolls and assholes you pause to think that instead of being interested and full of joy we are doing nothing more then probing you with dumb questions and laughing as you shake in silent anger while you type out a long remark giving an answer that nobody asked for to a crowd that does not care. To remedy this intense case of tragedy I recommend that instead of shooting yourself in the head, you follow the instruction manual for commiting Hara Kiri, the Japanese form of suicide to restore honor after shame, in order to cleanse the world of your disgusting taint.

too long; didn;t read