The New Mutants


I want to smell dark matter

So it's just a generic horror movie but with X-Men? Meh.

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
I want to see Marvel take some heroes and drop them in a "Married...With Children" type sitcom setting. Because why not.


I want to smell dark matter
It's the longest ever gap between trailers!

And, to be honest, this second trailer is pretty decent? Anya Taylor-Joy as Illyana seems like perfect casting anyway. Not sure if Maisie Williams is supposed to be Scottish or Irish...


I want to smell dark matter


Registered User
They really should, and not only because I texted a friend "i wonder how much longer before a studio pulls a cinema release and puts it direct to streaming" this morning


The fact this movie's been made, and ready to go for years gives me little hope for it. Perhaps its just a case of the powers that be underestimating its true quality, or potential. If it turns out to be a decent flick, with strong reviews, and box office, and doesn't directly mention, or tie to any other x-movie it could end up being a perfect staring point for MCU's version of the X-franchise. Even though that seems unlikely, and too unconventional for Disney/Marvel films.

I can't help but wonder how Disney is gonna creatively introduce the core concept of the X-Men into the rest of their MCU. Perhaps at the end of the next phase, or 2 of movies one of them should end in a massive public backlash against superpowered individuals. Thus, making fear of natural born superpeople a little more plausible in the movie world. Perhaps a little retroactive continuity that resembles elements of X-Men:first class where its been a global governmental secret that's been exposed in some sort of disastrous fashion. But, what could be more disastrous than 50 percent of all life turning to dust only to return 5 years later? Perhaps continual infinity gem usage results in a global mental block created by a guy in a wheelchair becomes undone rerevealing mutations to the world. Or the gems cause children born within that time period to become teenagers who mutate at puberty, much like the mutants of the comics. Make them all kids, and teens, even Prof. X And Magneto. The same said gem shenanigans perhaps even resulting in 4 astronauts getting gnarly powers...


I want to smell dark matter


I want to smell dark matter
It's not a MCU movie so they weren't likely to announce it alongside them. I'm sure it'll still come out! Maybe it'll be the first movie in the world released theatrically after covid's over and teach the world how to enjoy movies again.


I want to smell dark matter


I want to smell dark matter
Fox had a deal with HBO where New Mutants had to stream on that before anything else, Disney have to honour the deal so can't put it straight on Disney+.

But yeah I can't believe the release hasn't been delayed again yet...


I want to smell dark matter
There's no stopping the New Mutants this time.



I want to smell dark matter
One interesting side effect to the endless delays is that I'm now totally onboard with this movie and think it'll actually be good.

I look forward to acquiring a copy in early 2021.
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I want to smell dark matter


I want to smell dark matter