A Quick[?] Introduction...


Zombie Hunter
...For those of you who don't know me. (Sadly it won't be quick. I'm a wordy bitch. Especially when talking about myself. :( )

I was Volpone back before the www. Back when you found things with Gopherserver, not Google. I chose the name because it is Latin for "Fox". It is also the title of a Ben Johnson (contemporary of Shakespeare) comedy about a scheming con-man and I was a theater minor in those days. I picked a fox because they are predators, but they aren't at the top of the food chain, so they must live by their wits. Some witty characters with a fox tie-in include Odysseus, Francis Marion (the person Mel Gibson's "The Patriot" was loosely based on)--the Swamp Fox of the American Revolution, Rommel--the Desert Fox, and even the Disney version of Robin Hood. Zorro is Spanish for fox.

But I opted not to go with Fox because I didn't want people to think I was a chick. I considered some other language version of fox, but as mentioned, Spanish was already taken. And the German for fox is fuchs which had issues of its own. So Volpone it was.

I owe my modern era of posting to "Star Trek". When "Enterprise" came out, I thought it had great potential. I also thought that potential was going to waste. I tried to find an e-mail address to contact Paramount. But since that was nigh-on impossible I registered and started posting on StarTrek.com during ENT's first season.

I left ST.com when I realized it was a crappily run tool to shove merchandise down your throat and no one from Paramount cared about anything constructive said there, and I moved to TBBS. I had worked my way up to Fleet Captain or so when all the data was lost in the Purge and I had to start from lowly Ensign (Cadet?) again. I was at TBBS when I mobilized for the Iraq war, and ventured a post or four while mobilized (my posts from California were from "Outside the Neutral Zone", from Kuwait as "The Neutral Zone", and Iraq was "Klingon Space"). Eventually I got fed up with TBBS as Borgminister became increasingly a clueless tool and no one did anything about it. And I'd drawn a three day flaming ban from Bowelmovement for saying essentially the same thing to Dennis Bailey that T'Bonz would later say to him before banning him. (I was also a member at Dennis' forum, Subspace.)

So I came to Wordforge and loved it there. It was a great place, with lots of cool people and a freewheeling attitude, and lots of neat features like avatar hosting and rep.

After a dust-up with Elwood awhile back, I registered here and would post here from time to time, when I'd get pissed at the Powers that Be, but never really got comfortable enough with the culture here to stick around.

Well, I'm here for now. At least until someone decides to stand up Wordforge 2.0. What else?

I used to live in Bigfoot Country, Portland Orygun, but I'm presently in the Land of Po, in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. I have extensive experience in Zombie Hunting, earned my undergrad degree from Miskatonic University in 1987, and I may or may not think Stargate is real. :calli: In 2006 I was declared "Time" magazine's Man of the Year and am competent in Tae Kwon Do, wrestling, fencing, and Venusian Akido. Hobbies include running, military history, surfing, and killin' hobos. I am presently doing Top Secret research for the US military on using hippies as an alternative fuel, and my hard drive has an assortment of amusing Cassandra avatars (either waiflike brunette cosplayers in SS uniforms or actual Cass avs with little Hitler mustaches photoshopped onto them).

Around half the things I've said in this post are true.


Zombie Hunter
Did I mention I talk too much? :calli:


more cookies please?
Or did I? :chris:


Touching the monolith
Staff member
Nice to meet you and stuff.


New Member
why did you leave WF, Volpone?