Anakin Skywalker: A pictorial timeline

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
From this:

To this:

To this:

To this:

To this:

To this:

To this:



Kerb Crawler

Closed Fist of the Badlands
Yeah, when did ghostly Anakin ever wear that get-up in life!?


Bungie Retard
WTF is that shot from?! Is that from Episode 3 or is that from a remastered Return of the Jedi -

Kerb Crawler

Closed Fist of the Badlands
The latter.


:shock: OMG is that what he's done?.

Thanks for ruining Return of the Jedi, George you clueless retard.

you can keep your crummy prequel series. in hindsight the whole prequel project was a mess - shame on you!


beer, I want beer
Laserdiscs, laserdiscs, laserdiscs.

My trilogy is untampered with.

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
So he says. God, I really wish I could get the ORIGINAL, UN-FUCKED WITH TRILOGY, but I don't own a laserdisc player, and I know the VHS tapes go for hundreds and hundreds of dollars on ebay.

I'd really love to see Han shoot first, just once more for old time's sake. :cry:

Kerb Crawler

Closed Fist of the Badlands
^Are you serious!? My dad has those tapes! Man... there's got to be a way I can wrest those from him...

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
Look on ebay. I checked about, oh, three or four years ago, and they were seriously going for upwards of $400.

On a side, do I feel old talking about this stuff. I can clearly, clearly remember the excitement I felt when Empire came out (remember when it was "Star Wars", and "Empire", and "Jedi", not some damned Roman Numerals??), and I remember my Dad pulled me out of school to go see Jedi. Best but most bittersweet two hours of my life. "It's over," I thought, "It's really over."

FFWD to the excitement I felt leading up to May of 1999 (GOD-SIX YEARS AGO!!). I saw The Waterboy just to see the prequel preview, and I almost came in my pants.

Meh. Maybe I grew up. Maybe the films weren't meant for a guy pushing 30. But then, howcome the OT is still fucking brilliant?

Kerb Crawler

Closed Fist of the Badlands
Big Dick McGee said:
Look on ebay. I checked about, oh, three or four years ago, and they were seriously going for upwards of $400.

Boggles. Teh. Mind.

On a side, do I feel old talking about this stuff. I can clearly, clearly remember the excitement I felt when Empire came out (remember when it was "Star Wars", and "Empire", and "Jedi", not some damned Roman Numerals??), and I remember my Dad pulled me out of school to go see Jedi. Best but most bittersweet two hours of my life. "It's over," I thought, "It's really over."

I remember going to the 1st one when I was a very small kid, but I was too young to really register the "importance" at the time. It was at the drive-ins and my parents took me, but other than remembering I was there, the only thing that jumps out at me was that a Donald Duck cartoon was shown ahead of it. (DD being more important at the time to a child of my age.) Thinking back on it now, I'm assuming this was the re-release of Star Wars in '79... as I only would have been 3 in '77... but then again, 5's a decent age to remember stuff... so maybe I did both and jumbled the memories together.)
I don't, however, remember seeing Empire at the theatre, which is odd, as I was TOTALLY wrapped up in the story, and the merchadise, and trading figures with my cousins, and the whole nine - I still have those original Star Wars sheets. But I don't remember watching it until it was on HBO in the early '80's. (I could be wrong, I might have seen it.)
Jedi, yeah.... wow. What a rush. I was 9, and I still remember walking back to the car after the movie and just having been FLOORED by the action and revelations. At the time, to me, THAT was the best movie EVER made. A GREEN LIGHTSABER! Even the ewoks were cool. Then.

FFWD to the excitement I felt leading up to May of 1999 (GOD-SIX YEARS AGO!!). I saw The Waterboy just to see the prequel preview, and I almost came in my pants.

Remember the boss teaser promo South Park did for their movie that played on the fact that a new Star Wars was coming out? I'd love to see that again... It was hilarious.

Meh. Maybe I grew up. Maybe the films weren't meant for a guy pushing 30. But then, howcome the OT is still fucking brilliant?

It takes us back, man. The new trilogy doesn't.


I was wondering about that. I mean a lot of our memories are wrapped up in the OT, and the association of the time, and being kids, and playing with out friends and all that, right? Well, we don't really DO that as "adults" with these new Prequels, and I think when they came out we were hoping to re-capture a little of that - and the Prequel Trilogy HAS been cool - but our adult, jaded, cynical, critiquing minds rebelled against the story we had allowed to play in our heads, imagining what the Prequel story really was, and what George eventually gave to us wasn't it.

I like the new movies. They're NOT the OT, and it's NOT the same; it is what it is, and I wondered whether or not today's kids dug the new SW movies as much as we did when we were young. Based off the kids I've seen in toy store aisles and having talked to a few, I'd have to say they do. Granted, today's kids have a LOT more entertainment and stuff vying for their attention and SW is no longer quite the cultural phenomenon it once was because it's inspired so much since then, and there's SO much cool stuff out there. Star Wars still reigns king, and 1977 changed the world.

Hilbert Frakes

I am king of the sea people!
I got the origional video tape of Return of the Jedi I bought like 12 years ago Origional Video case and all.


Bungie Retard
Just before The Empire Strikes Back came out I somehow got my hands on a comic novel of it. 150 pages or so of comic paneling in a medium sized paperback. It was more or less a spoiler and Yoda was drawn all wrong (jesus christ it would be worth a complete fortune if I still had it) but I read it like three times before seeing the movie. I was 11 and the combined shock of Han going into carbon freeze at the end and Vader proclaiming to be Luke's dad - it was mind blowing. I remember thinking about it all summer. I wonder how many 11 year olds spent the whole summer a few years ago brooding over Attack of the Clones.

NOTHING bout the new movies has qualified in my eyes as mind blowing, but Jack has a point - I'm not 11. Though I still have an old unfucked with vhs of it and watch it sometimes and it's still damn good.

Also let's not forget that the first three were fashioned after Joseph Campbells The Hero With A Thousand Faces and the new three were more or less along the lines (seemingly) of 'oh why not'.


So what do y'all think... should I sell my THX certified VHS copies of the original unfucked with trilogy? Or should I hoard them for myself, holding on to a set of movies I probably won't watch again anyway? Aparently they are the very last set released before the fucking-with by Lucas - touted to be "the last" release ever at the time. Little did we know that the last meant the last as we remember them.

It is $400 dollars, man, that's a new video card, a bottle of Jack (the liquor, not the troll) and some "stuff".


Fuckers. I just checked out eBay. $20 bucks tops.

Way to get a poor boy's hopes up. I was gonna nearly die of alchohol poisoning!!! It was gonna be great!

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
^^You sure that's not the "Special Edition" trilogy? Those are very cheaply had.