Congratulations to Saleel Majeed For The Fastest Growing Thread In The Agony Of Defeat

Saleel Majeed

New Member

I have been doing a bit of research into your game here.

It is a sad tale, to put it mildly.

And to think you turned down a night with moi ... for this? Honey.


Look at the date started against number of views. None of your threads compare. I'm here for a few days and already trending. Damn, would you like some aloe vera for that burn?

I see the moderators merged my threads. Well, I guess it's nice to have friends in high places darlin'. If I could have thought of an easier way to communicate with you, I would. Not that you were bothering to respond as it was.

You brought this on yourself. Don't fuck with people's time and money.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
The best part of your posting all this spam is it's boosting the post count for his forum, which he then "peacocks" about.

He's always been about the post count, not the content of said posts. Quantity vs quality. I rest my case on that point.

Imagine a life where your self worth is determined by the amount of meaningless bullshit you waste your time with? That's our "cupcake" in a nutshell.

Like any cheap date, he spreads his cheeks for the lowest common denominator.

Well done Saleel!
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The Legendary Troll Kingdom
I see the moderators merged my threads.
Yeah the little bitch whines, bitches and moans so incessantly to Eggs he eventually gets him to do something occasionally.

Not a dis to Eggs. It's something he has to do because for some reason he tolerates this idiot spamming TK at will 24/7 with meaningless bullshit.

The account would be DOA anywhere else. Back before anyone left he was moderated pretty evenhandedly. Now....not so much.


Active Member
This is ... well.

Hey, I thought of a song for you and Saleel, Charles.

You deserve each other.
