Elnidfse's Playground


New Member
While I may be gone and out this place, I have noticed, has entered a distinct field of suck without a charming and dashing character such as myself. Being the considerate man that I usually am, I have decided that an action need to be taken. I do not generally support backing of a place that losses its originality, I wish to help the world out and reclaim TP as part of myself.

Now before you ask any questions and before I continue on my my little speech I must point out the obvious. TP, contrary to popular belief, when used in this forum, does NOT mean something as vague and insignificant as toilet paper, no. It DOES hower stand for Troll Playground which is the reference which I had planned to use today.

Continuing on. I have decided to reassimilate TP as part of myself. This process will take the course over a short amount of time that I have to bless you all with my all-knowingly powerful pressence. You see, unlike most of you here, I am constantly hit with a real life wave.

My absence has been caused by a combination of better spending my free time into something more interesting and a tomahak to the head but I have returned to puruse in my holy quest.

Now usually I would not bother with such a thing as simple as a spoiler but the main and only purpouse of it is to further emphaisze my point, but in actuality, also show that I hold the same amount of power over you.

You see, this spoiler and the last one was nothing more then a ruse to make you all continue to read this topic and further increase my ideals of how much power I have over you all. For this, I thank you in advance.

I also wrote this one, after you knowingly clicked my last, to show that there is a patern to this and that you should stop reading these.

Your going to have to cease and desist with this madness. It's not worth it in the long run.


Thank you all for knowing and accepting this.


lkjewro23piqjur2oijkslfaw e
The reason TP's sucked is because I haven't been here.

Duh ;)

And I read his whole post. Spoilers and all. I always do because it amuses me :D


lkjewro23piqjur2oijkslfaw e
Is too.