Elrod is back


New Member
Who the fuck is elrod?? Are you some sort of significant fucker or just another twat like the rest of the sad gonad sucking fags you have on here.


Sinless and Purrfect
Who the fuck is elrod?? Are you some sort of significant fucker or just another twat like the rest of the sad gonad sucking fags you have on here.

And you are...... ? Theres not much of a sad gonad sucking fag crowd here. You'll have to go somewhere else to find a place to fit in.


lkjewro23piqjur2oijkslfaw e
gonad's probably around someplace.


Shifty sumbitch
Who the fuck is elrod?? Are you some sort of significant fucker or just another twat like the rest of the sad gonad sucking fags you have on here.
Ok, it's time to annoy the fuck out of you by using one of the more basic tricks out there.

First, Elrod may be an annoying asshole, but since he capitalizes the first letter of his handle, you should do so as well. Elrod, not elrod. Second, a question should never, ever have more than one question mark. It makes you look ignorant (which, you are, but I digress).
Remember, you can only use one or three exclaimation points (!) to finish an exclaimation, not two; not four or more. You cannot use more than one question mark. You can combine an exclaimation point and a question mark, however.
Consider: 'Who the fuck is Elrod?!' or 'Who the fuck is Elrod!?'
Note how the tone shifts slightly between the two. A correct use of punctuation carries the nuances of speech into the written form.
Now, in your last sentence, you posed a question, but closed it with a hard stop, or a period. This is incorrect, as this is clearly a question, and the use of a period to end a question may only be used in specific instances. This is not one of those.

In short, you fail.


lkjewro23piqjur2oijkslfaw e


Who the fuck is elrod?? Are you some sort of significant fucker or just another twat like the rest of the sad gonad sucking fags you have on here.

The gonad-suckers are hardly insignificant around here. Elrod? Which are you, anyway?