exam tomorrow


New Member
my Advanced Databases exam is tomorrow and I've got two more big, big projects due next week, (which is why I haven't been around much lately). I'm not going to ask for luck - I've done a lot of revision. That said, if anyone here understands Kimball's 9 rules, I'd love to hear about them in more detail....

*hiding under books*


New Member
Sending positive vibes as you take your exam tomorrow Chaddee...:D

Darn 2 more projects to go....Good luck with those sweetie...;)

Then you'll be able to play all summer?


New Member
Thanks Ru, I'ts in the end a lottery of what they ask vs what I know...but I'm staying positive. I should have some compensatory points if necessary on my other modules, but this is my weakest one.

Thanks for the good luck - one is done, bar some rewriting (1 evening) and some proofreading/editing, the other.....i fear for the other. LOL.

AFter that I have two weeks off, then I have a 15 week masters project. I'll be around for a good part of that, off and on, but don't count on seeing me end aug to sept 11 - and after that I'll probably collapse and sleep for a week.