Gripe for Today


Forever Empress E
Well, actually most days.

Why does everything, or most things, have to be family oriented?

I go to a movie - it is R rated. Never fails, all these little moms and dads with their screaming, talking constantly, running up and down the aisles children are there. I spent my money to see and hear the film - not their little out-of-control freaking brats.

Granted, I can live without cussing and pornography. But, I am sick to death of all these message boards being so concerned about being family oriented. There are message boards appropriate for children - where children can talk to other children about things of interest to children - school, does he like her or does he like her like her, homework, being grounded for burping at the dining table, how to express their individuality by being exactly the same, how cool it is to have an iPod with 600 downloaded tunes that it cost $600 and 200 days to download to their idea of the hottest music. That is all fine and good - for them - but I do not want to be forced to live in that mind numbing drivil.

Then there are those stupid family Christmas Newsletters. Reads like a resume: "Little Johnny made all As on his report card this year and graduated to 6th grade. He plays little league baseball when he isn't working on a science project. Last spring he won at the science fair with his exhibit of 10 fungus growing petri dishes. Suzy is now in her third year of dance class and hopes to be homecoming queen. John was promoted and now has the corner office and paid parking. I've spearheaded 14 charity fundraisers for underprivileged children in my million dollar homes neighborhood, conducted 21 bake sales, and 300 car washes." Always attached are the pictures of Suzy in full-blown teenage whackout wearing a ballerina outfit and Little Johnny in a baseball uniform holding a bat; mom, dad and the kids on their vacations - standing on a beach, sitting at a sidewalk cafe, rowing a boat. So they do safe, ordinary family activities. Goody for them. Maybe their lives are interesting to them, but frankly, they are so far below interesting they'd have to come up several levels just to be boring.

If I want to be family oriented, I'll be with mine, in person, not on the freaking internet. As crazy as mine are, they at least don't put me to sleep with their constant drone of how special they are because they fit in some sort of idealistic family values mold and they know to shut up and sit still while I'm watching a movie.

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
Before I had kids, I was always complaining about kids being at inappropriate places, like upscale restaurants and age-inappropriate movies. My buddy Darthsikle said, "Oh, once you have kids you'll change. Or you'll be a prisoner in your home!"

You know what? He was WRONG. If I want to see a movie, I wait until everyone else is asleep and I go to a 10 p.m. showing. Or we get Grandmom to babysit while me & the wife go to Ruth's Chris & see a flick. I fucking HATE people that don't control their bratty kids, because it gives all parents a bad name, even ones like us who control our kid.

Our house is somewhat "cluttered". It's not dirty, we just have lots of stuff around. of our friends snidely remarked that she is afraid to bring her son over, because we haven't baby-proofed our home. We've been to their home numerous times. They've moved all thier books, papers, DVDs, anything that a kid might pick up and play with, they've moved it all upstairs and crammed it into a locked room. I kept thinking, "Whose house is this? Is it yours, or does Little Johnny own the house?"

My wife, God love her, replied to her friend, "Well if you taught little Johnny to respect other people's things, and not assume everything is his to play with, you wouldn't have to worry about him touching our stuff."


Forever Empress E
I wish more parents had your attitude.

My child is grown. Long years of teaching her how to behave in public and how to respect other people's property - including my own.

And, yes, it is pointless to try and keep the house neat and orderly when the kids are little but it is detrimental to them to not teach them how to interact in a world full of stuff that isn't theirs. When my daughter was little, she had quite a few toys she liked to play with in the backyard. You'd think if something is on your property people wouldn't be confused about it belonging to you, right? A neighbor's kids came over and took most of my daughter's toys out of our backyard. I went to the neighbor to get the toys back. She said to me - and I'm not kidding - "well, my kids thought they were toys somebody had lost." I'm sure these kids, as they would be grown ups now too, think cars parked on the street are lost so they are free to take. "Honestly, officer, it was just parked there. I thought somebody had lost their car. You know, finders keepers."

I went to see "Dawn of the Dead" last year. I'm sitting there chewing my fingernails off, backbone pressed hard against the seat because it is an intense and gory movie. Across the aisle from me was a kid, about 12, whimpering and terrified by the images. That kid is probably still having nightmares over that movie. What kind of parent subjects their kids to horrifying images for entertainment? Sure, the kid needs to grow up, but the kid doesn't need to be traumatized that way.

When we went to see the movie "Darkness Falls" a group of teenagers was running amok. About the fifth time they ran up the stairs beside me I told them to quiet down. One of the boys - maybe 15 - stopped and put his face right in mine and told me to shut up. My daughter had to hold me down because I was coming up out of that chair. At one point those little monsters were throwing popcorn at an adult couple a few seats below them. The man - huge guy - had to go get the theater staff to remove those kids. If these animals want to act like that, why pay money to see a movie - why not go out to the park and run around, climb on things, burn off some excess energy? Stupid.

Not too long ago I was at the theater and this couple with 3 or 4 kids was sitting up several rows above me. All of the children were under 12, and the one that looked to be about 4 kept falling out of her seat. Every few minutes that kid would smack the floor, scream and cry, settle down, then smack the floor again and start the screaming and crying again. Then their other kids ran up and down the stairs (stadium seating) so many times I lost track. Mom and dad are just sitting there, munching on popcorn. You could hear sighs, groans, little sounds of disgust all over the theater. About mid-way through the movie, having heard much of it, I'd had enough. I got up and climbed the stairs to those people and demanded they refund the price of the movie to me because I hadn't been able to hear a damn thing because of their children. I know I was loud and I was definitely perimenopausal livid. At first the father looked at me like I must be out of my mind. Then people in the audience started clapping. They'd had enough too. He gave me back my money and I left. He is lucky the rest of the audience didn't demand they be refunded as well. I'd so love for ushers to be put back in the theater - maybe some of this stuff would stop. Ultimately, though, it is these kids parent's fault that their children do not know how to act like civilized humans when they are out in public places.

I so wish more parent's had yours and your wife's attitude.


I want to smell dark matter
Why do so many parents call their children "little Johnny"?


Forever Empress E
Because the brat's father is Big John.

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
Big John....Biiiig John...Big John...Big Bad John.


I want to smell dark matter
Big Daddy Dudley?


Staff member
At my great Aunt's funeral she was buried next to someone called "Big John" It was hilarious. You probably had to be there.


I want to smell dark matter
Alan: I hate cemeteries. They remind me of...death!


Forever Empress E
Mentalist said:
At my great Aunt's funeral she was buried next to someone called "Big John" It was hilarious. You probably had to be there.
Nah, it cracked me up.

Considering that is where one spends the rest of eternity, it is a good thing there is a big john nearby.