Happy 8000 Ferret Lord


Pinata Whacker
Long hard earned.

16,000 by next week? DO IT.

It would be easier to do if I didn't have to share the computer with rocktar(Buying a laptop computer very soon), had to go to work, and have some semblance of a social life.


Pinata Whacker
Work and social lives only hold you back, I've found.

Yeah but work is a necessary evil that enables me to afford a new computer.

And its true that a social life might be overrrated. I do tend to get out more but its usually just with rocktar and I do tend to be a bit of a wallflower at these social events.


Ferret Lord is quite endearing ;)


The Legendary Troll Kingdom

Hey Hey!!


Pinata Whacker
I know right? If you'd been using that name last year, you coulda joined Lord Raffles, Lord Waffles, Lord Foil, and myself in the LEGION OF LORDS ;)

Yeah its a shame I didn't use my original Lonaf username here at TK.


I love you
yeah man just ask her.
*Gives 8,000 spankings to Loktar.*

But just so you know, when and if you change your name I am registering a Loktar so Love Child can marry it.