Herschel Walker wins Georgia's Republican Senate primary



Herschel Walker wins Georgia's Republican Senate primary

Former Heisman Trophy winner Herschel Walker won Georgia's GOP Senate primary on Tuesday. Walker defeated five fellow Republicans: Georgia Agriculture Commissioner Gary Black, former Trump administration official and Navy veteran Latham Saddler, retired brigadier general Jon McColumn, contractor and Air Force veteran Kelvin King and former state Rep. Josh Clark. He won the primary despite skipping debates with his Republican opponents and making multiple gaffes on the campaign trail. In the general election, Walker and the GOP will try to take back the seat incumbent Democratic U.S. Sen. Raphael Warnock won last year, helping Democrats squeak out a congressional majority. Warnock easily won the Democratic primary on Tuesday.

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Herschel Walker's run for office will be uphill all the way

In football, they use the term "running downhill" to describe when a ball carrier has a full head of steam and is not trying to dodge and evade tacklers. Perhaps no player has ever run "downhill" better than Herschel Walker, the University of Georgia icon. Walker's latest run is for elected office, not the end zone, and in this one he's most certainly running uphill. New revelations about exaggeration, lies and hypocritical statements emerge daily, and his ignorance on policy and current affat means he can't counter his closet skeletons with dazzling rhetoric. Walker won his race easily with 68% of the vote. But his vote total fell 80,000 short of the other dominant Republican on the ballot, gubernatorial candidate Brian Kemp, you know Kemp, the guy who was supposed to struggle in a party primary because former President Donald Trump had labeled him a traitor.

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Amid scandals, Herschel Walker hopes voters ‘believe in redemption’

After they had said prayers and sung the final “Hallelujah!” on a recent Monday evening, the Relentless Church Bible study group turned to the Georgia Senate race. Republican nominee Herschel Walker has faced a number of scandals, including an allegation by his ex-wife that he put a gun to her head in 2005 and threatened to kill her, and more recent claims by two former girlfriends that he pressured them to have abortions. And yet, Walker still has such strong support that his race against Democratic Sen. Raphael G. Warnock is considered a toss-up. The contest is one of a handful that could determine which party controls the Senate after Tuesday’s midterm elections. Walker has said he is a new man, “redeemed by the grace of God.” It’s a message that resonates with Gail Barraza and other members of her church, who say they are not focused on Walker’s past, but on his current pledge that he will be a Republican senator who would support a national abortion ban.

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Herschel Walker suggests comparing his résumé to Barack Obama’s

After Barack Obama ridiculed Herschel Walker's qualifications, the Republican argued that he has a more impressive résumé than the former president.

Barack Obama made a rather impressive return to the campaign trail last week, headlining a rally in Atlanta, and having a little fun at Herschel Walker’s expense. In fact, the former president encouraged attendees to consider a “thought experiment.” After conceding that Walker was a fine athlete, Obama questioned whether that made him qualified to make critically important decisions in the U.S. Senate. “Let’s say you’re at the airport,” the Democrat said, “and you see Mr. Walker and you say, ‘Hey, there’s Herschel Walker. Heisman winner. Let’s have him fly the plane.’ You probably wouldn’t say that. You would want to know, does he know how to fly an airplane?”

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Who is Herschel Walker? What we know about the Georgia Republican

Former football star and current businessman Herschel Walker launched his campaign for U.S. Senate in Georgia on the Republican ticket in 2021. His opponent is Democratic incumbent Raphael Warnock. He grew up in a small town in Wrightsville, Georgia. He played football for the University of Georgia, helping win the 1980 national championship at running back. He was awarded the Heisman Trophy in 1982, per Heisman. com.

Walker describes himself “a conservative for Georgia,” and former President Donald Trump endorsed Walker in September 2021. In a statement, per CNN, Trump said: “Herschel Walker will never let you down,” and offered his “Complete and Total Endorsement” of Walker.

Walker initially took a hardline stance on abortion when he first announced his candidacy, saying he doesn’t believe any abortions should be allowed. But in an October debate with Warnock, he said he believes Georgia’s current state laws are correct abortion is banned, with only exceptions for rape, incest and risk to the mother’s life in Georgia, Politico reported.

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Raphael Warnock And Herschel Walker Heading To Runoff For Georgia's U.S. Senate Seat

The U.S. Senate race in Georgia between Democratic incumbent Sen. Raphael Warnock and Republican Herschel Walker will head to a runoff after neither candidate secured the 50% needed to head straight to Congress. The Georgia seat is critical to both parties as they battle over control of the U.S. Senate. Warnock won a runoff election in 2021, giving the Democrats a narrow majority. Walker, a former football star, was one of several flawed Senate candidates Republicans coalesced behind this year. He lacked political experience, had a history of domestic abuse allegations, embellished his record, made several gaffes and was accused of pressing several women to have abortions despite campaigning as being staunchly opposed to abortion.

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Herschel Walker, Raphael Warnock head to Georgia runoff
Walker had a storied career at the University of Georgia from 1980 to '82. He led the Bulldogs to an undefeated record and national championship in 1980. In 1982, he won the Heisman Trophy. Georgia went 34-5 in his three seasons.



Anti-Abortion Group Says It Will Spend Another $1 Million To Support Herschel Walker Ahead Of Georgia Runoff

Allegations that Herschel Walker paid for two abortions are not keeping a prominent anti-abortion group from shelling out money on behalf of the Georgia Republican ahead of his runoff election. A group named Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America and its partner super PAC, Women Speak Out, announced plans Wednesday to spend at least $1 million on behalf of Walker’s campaign. If they follow through, it would bring their total Walker support to about $2 million since the Daily Beast reported that he encouraged and paid for his girlfriend to have an abortion. Walker denied that report, as well as a second women's allegation later that month that he paid for her abortion. Other pro-life groups have combined to spend $160,000 boosting Walker in the last month of the campaign. Most recently, the National Right to Life Victory Fund made a $57,000 ad buy on Nov. 1. Spokespeople for Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America, the National Right to Life Victory Fund and a third anti-abortion group that has backed Walker in recent weeks, the National Pro-Life Alliance, did not immediately respond to requests for comment. Voting in Georgia’s runoff ends on Dec. 6.

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Even now, Herschel Walker can’t quite shake residency questions

Georgia's Herschel Walker is reportedly getting a tax break in Texas on his Dallas-area home that’s intended “only for a primary residence.”

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‘I live in Texas’: Herschel Walker speech adds to Georgia Senate run problems

A football star for the University of Georgia, he went on to star for the Dallas Cowboys in the NFL. Earlier this month, CNN reported that he was benefiting from a tax break on a Dallas home described as his principal residence. On Tuesday, CNN returned to the well, reporting that in January, while discussing immigration policy in a speech to Republicans at the University of Georgia, Walker said: “I live in Texas … I went down to the border off and on sometimes.”

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Democratic Sen. Warnock wins Georgia runoff against Herschel Walker
With Warnock’s second runoff victory in as many years, Democrats will have a 51-49 Senate majority, gaining a seat from the current 50-50 split with John Fetterman’s victory in Pennsylvania. There will be divided government, however, with Republicans having narrowly flipped House control.


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Herschel Walker staffers have meltdown over campaign loss, blames candidates wife for his defeat

Georgia Republican Senate hopeful Herschel Walker's campaign staffers are weighing in with their reactions to their candidate's recent loss to Sen. Raphael Warnock (D-Ga.). Although its no secret Walker, who was endorsed by former President Donald Trump, was at the center of multiple scandals, staffers insist his wife contributed greatly to crippling his campaign.

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