How did you vote Number_6?


Mrs. Big Dick McGee
On the CA props, how'd you vote?

73, was a yes for me, obviously.
74, yes, we have the worst public schools in the country, I don't wonder why.
75, yes, we have to exercise some control over the California Mafia (a.k.a. the California Teacher's Union)
76, yes, mainly because we keep putting money into the school system and getting zero return, i.e. the worst public schools in the country.
77, yes, because the CA legislature is so corrupt and I like anything that's going to save me money.
78, 79, 80 all no because I don't like anything that's going to cost me money.


beer, I want beer
I haven't lived in California for a long time.

I've only followed the education stuff, but I completely agree with anything that makes it harder for teachers to get tenure in K-12. Too many lifers in the California schools who should have been canned.


Mrs. Big Dick McGee
^Oh, I thought you lived here. Well at least you keep up. :)

Now Cait, what about you? I KNOW you live here.


Be patient till the last.
TENURE for teachers of K - 12? Is Califronia the only State to have this?

Of course we have tenure for University Profs, but not elementary and Highschool teachers


beer, I want beer
It's not tenure in exactly the same way that it is for university professors, but in terms of the ability of a school or district to fire a poor teacher, it amounts to the same thing, save these bozos have zero responsibility in terms of keeping up with their chosen fields. Oh, they may have to take some classes from an Education department, but those are 99.9% bullshit courses, and have nothing to do with content, save to dumb it down even further in the name of edutainment and "multi"culturalism

Probationary periods for K-12 teachers are short. Then you basically have a job for life, so long as you don't have sex with your students or something.

I worked with a guy who never graded student papers. Never. The students knew it, his fellow teachers knew it, the administration knew it, but he'd been there for more than a decade, so no one did anything about it.

Welcome to the education system in America. Now send your kids to private school.


Something Wicked
Laker_Girl said:
On the CA props, how'd you vote?

73, was a yes for me, obviously.
74, yes, we have the worst public schools in the country, I don't wonder why.
75, yes, we have to exercise some control over the California Mafia (a.k.a. the California Teacher's Union)
76, yes, mainly because we keep putting money into the school system and getting zero return, i.e. the worst public schools in the country.
77, yes, because the CA legislature is so corrupt and I like anything that's going to save me money.
78, 79, 80 all no because I don't like anything that's going to cost me money.

I voted no on everything but 74 & 76. God I hate California Politics.


GFHH Moderator
He voted like in the Phillipines:

early and often

Pthalo BlueMoon

missmanners' favorite toy
Number_6 said:
It's not tenure in exactly the same way that it is for university professors, but in terms of the ability of a school or district to fire a poor teacher, it amounts to the same thing, save these bozos have zero responsibility in terms of keeping up with their chosen fields. Oh, they may have to take some classes from an Education department, but those are 99.9% bullshit courses, and have nothing to do with content, save to dumb it down even further in the name of edutainment and "multi"culturalism

Probationary periods for K-12 teachers are short. Then you basically have a job for life, so long as you don't have sex with your students or something.

I worked with a guy who never graded student papers. Never. The students knew it, his fellow teachers knew it, the administration knew it, but he'd been there for more than a decade, so no one did anything about it.

Welcome to the education system in America. Now send your kids to private school.
Oh, no you didn't... ;)

I agree with your stance on education in CA. It sucks. Big time. But let's not generalize, shall we?

I almost have my bags packed to move back to Raleigh for this reason:

Some school districts (and teachers) are superlative, as evidenced by that article. The workshops I attended in NC had a direct correlation to what I was teaching, and were not "dumbed down" for any reason.

Choose words carefully, my friend...


beer, I want beer
Sorry. But education in America is a joke. There may be one or two districts here and there who still toe the line, but they are few and far between.

And I don't really trust anything the NYTimes has to say about education.

And I'd be curious exactly what it is you're teaching. Actual academic content? Or feel good multicultural bullshit?


Be patient till the last.
^^^^Thank you for the clarification on the system in CA, Six.

Pthalo BlueMoon

missmanners' favorite toy
First....Laker_Girl....I hope everything is going well for you and the wee ones. Hang in there, girl. You're doing good. :)

Number_6 said:
Sorry. But education in America is a joke. There may be one or two districts here and there who still toe the line, but they are few and far between.

And I don't really trust anything the NYTimes has to say about education.

And I'd be curious exactly what it is you're teaching. Actual academic content? Or feel good multicultural bullshit?
The NYTimes is one of the most prestigious papers in the country, and one of the most credible. And their Sunday Book Review kicks major ass.

As far as what it is I'm teaching, it's basically what we've established in the past. Academic content, with a bit more socialization then you're comfortable with, due to the nature of my field.

Yes, my classroom has a definite multicultural theme, by choice. I realized that I am a firm believer in the curriculum. Sorry.

And I'm posting right now as a stress reliever, mainly because of the massive amounts of frustration at my current school district's incompetence. Which I knew would happen.


Howz your year goin', 6?


beer, I want beer
Define academic content. Because socialization and multiculturalism is not academic content. It's propagandizing and programming.

And the NYTimes is fast losing its prestige, as most people are well aware. Its reputation is sagging.


GFHH Moderator
c'mon,,,,Jason Blair ran the best fiction section in the country


beer, I want beer
Would that Jayson Blair were the only problem the NYTimes has faced in the last few years, since Sulzberger's son took over. A paper run by a 60s radical is about as reliable as a paper run by Pat Robertson.


Something Wicked
Caitriona said:
I voted no on everything but 74 & 76. God I hate California Politics.

Opps, I forgot one, [actually I forgot what number it was], but I voted yes on parental notification on abortions.


beer, I want beer
^^Yeah, I've heard all of the arguments against that one, but they really don't hold water.

If you can't legally perform an appendectomy on my daughter without my consent, then you shouldn't be able to perform an abortion on her either.

And schools have NO business taking students out of class and driving them to abortion clinics.

Yet another reason to distrust the educational cabal.


Mrs. Big Dick McGee
^This man loves the loaded questions.

As an auntie that deals daily with the California public education system, my kids aren't that dumb. The homework and tests are a joke, my niece and nephew are heads and tails above their classmates because we don't treat them like drooling idiots. There is no question that work is dumbed down and it's a terrible shame. Maybe next year we'll send them to private school, my church's private school where they teach the dreaded Intelligent Design. How'd ya like them apples Wordy?;)

Everything is going okay PBM, thanks so much again for your support!! :)

And Cait, I could kiss ya! The three you voted yes on are the three I cared about the most, too bad nothing passed.


Something Wicked
Laker_Girl said:
And Cait, I could kiss ya! The three you voted yes on are the three I cared about the most, too bad nothing passed.

You know I thought of you as I made my choices. Those were the most important ones to me too. [kisses are good, but remember neither of us is bi.. LOL]

Especially parental notification.

I truly believe that parents are being cut off at the knees in raising their children. We've ceded power to the state and the state runs our families. [And we see where that's gotten us.]

Parents have to be able to have the power to manage their own families. You can take all that 'it takes village' crap and ram it where the sun don't shine. It takes parents being able to make decisions without state interference about the future of their children. Six said it well, if parental signatures are needed to pull a tooth, or set a broken leg, they sure as hell need to be notified when a daughter [or son by extension or involvement] seeks and abortion.

And before all the bleeding heart liberals come in to rattle off the 'talking point', I know, I know, there are parents who are abusive and this was the reason for making a lot of the laws to protect children.. except in the process we gave children more rights than parents. We hold parents responsible for their children and then we deny them the power to exercise that responsibility. We are now in the middle of a big societal mess, because of those decisions. Time to wake up and smell our failures. I voted for parent's rights. The right to protect our own children.. the Stae can go to hell.

LOL, I was pretty adamant about the other ones I voted yes on.. but I thought about you as I filled out my absentee ballot. I thought L_G just won't believe I'm doing this.

May we live in interesting times. This flaming liberal moves closer and closer to the right of middle. My mother is thrilled, and I knew you'd be too. ;)