I am Teh Scape Goat!

Love Child

One Love
So like when things are going all crappy at work, i jsut do something stupid, so they laugh and everyone is better.



i like to burn servers to the floor, leaving pools of plastic, silicon and metal in my wake, and then just be all, "Uh-oh, Spaghetti-os!"


Touching the monolith
Staff member
I swear I thought this thread said I am Teh Space Goat!

Love Child

One Love
LOL At Cassie!

Hey, Ish, this one time, we had some people drop of old computer parts in the parking lot, because they must have thought it was the trash can, so before I threw it all away for them, I thought it would be funny to put it in a box, hand it to my tech guy and say "OMG Dude, I don't know what happened!"


That is funny! I would have been the tech guy that would have tried to get it all back together anyway... AND SUCCEEDED?1?!?!?!

The Dork Lord

Whipping Boy
Don't make me use the SPANK RAY!

Cassie said:
I swear I thought this thread said I am Teh Space Goat!
