I'm halfway through watching Saw.


I want to smell dark matter
So you might say that you are on a SEE SAW ride?


Staff member
I wouldn't say that no, but this movie is fucking tight. It's ACTUALLY freaky.

When two men, wake up and find themselves chained to a bathroom pipe, with a dead body lying in between them, they soon realize that they are prisoners, in the secure lair of a serial killer, nicknamed 'Jigsaw'.

It's just not nice. They have both been given saw's to hack off their feet but they haven't done that yet. It shows all the other murders he commits. (well, he doesn't ever kill anyone by hand, he makes the victim do it) It's bad. BAD BAD BAD. Some guy on the other side of a maze of razor wire in a basement has to get through before the door shuts and he is locked in there forever. He almost makes it but rips himself to shreds and dies. A woman with a reverse bear trap on her head which has a timer that when reached will rip her head to pieces. Only way out is to cut the key out of the stomach of a man lying motionless but still alive in the room with her.. Sick. Sick. Sick.

It's mad and the killers mask is the BEST mask I have seen since the Halloween movies but he's not a supernatural killer or anything dumb like that.

I love watching horror films on my own in the dark. It's teh fun.

This movie is sadistic and sick and has a great plot. It's better than Seven and Silence of the Lambs.


I saw SAW for the first time recently too. I thought I had guessed who 'the killer' was the moment he appeared onscreen in a flashback, and was dismayed to find out I was predictably right....But then, they revealed the FINAL TWIST!! OMG - was I told...:oops:

great film, although not as good as Seven IMHO...


I want to smell dark matter
Sounds too disturbing for my delicate brain.


Staff member
You don't like horror flicks? Why, you're not disturbed at all :)

And I have heard about the twist. Meant to be far fetched but a goodun. I have no idea what it is yet, I'm almost at the end, will report back on my thoughts in 20 or so.


New Member
This forum is so important to you, that when your favorite movie has paused you jump online to post.

Mentalist said:
I just want everyone to know that I will now finish shitting. So far so good.

C'mon man, there are more important things than forums.

You take this shit way too seriously.


Staff member
Ok watched it, I did make the connection between the guy holding the pen light in the hospital and I did know that there was more to the dead body in the middle of the room and one thing I did 100% figure out is that zep wasn't the killer and was being played the same way.

GREAT flick, loved the ending, had a great cinematic feel to it. And the good guys lost the serial killer is teh win!

I hear that Saw 2 is sucky though that makes me unhappy. I will get it anyway though. Man I LOVED this movie!


Staff member
sLiP-cOck said:
This forum is so important to you, that when your favorite movie has paused you jump online to post.

C'mon man, there are more important things than forums.

You take this shit way too seriously.

Not that you deserve a straight answer from me or anything but I will give you one. My movie watching habits are unlike everyone elses. I only watch movies after 1 in the morning and I hardly ever watch movies with people, I prefer to go out and do other things with friends. I watch movies on my own and on my computer. I have a very comfortable chair here at my desk, a beer, some snacks and I watch them all on my big monitor with Power DVD. TK is in the background so it's far from a stretch to click once off the screen and post a few things. I can gaurantee you that I see every second of a movie I am watching unlike people who watch them on TV's and get up and do stuff ect.

And don't talk to me about taking stuff seriously at least my interests are wide and varied. Your just a Jack groupie trying to annoy him all day. Bored now.


I figured you were on a laptop, watching the tube.

I've always got some video feed floating over whatever I'm doin'. "Float on top". One of those menu items that sounds like more than it is. *sexy wink*


New Member
Mentalist said:
Not that you deserve a straight answer from me or anything but I will give you one. My movie watching habits are unlike everyone elses. I only watch movies after 1 in the morning and I hardly ever watch movies with people, I prefer to go out and do other things with friends. I watch movies on my own and on my computer. I have a very comfortable chair here at my desk, a beer, some snacks and I watch them all on my big monitor with Power DVD. TK is in the background so it's far from a stretch to click once off the screen and post a few things. I can gaurantee you that I see every second of a movie I am watching unlike people who watch them on TV's and get up and do stuff ect.

And don't talk to me about taking stuff seriously at least my interests are wide and varied. Your just a Jack groupie trying to annoy him all day. Bored now.

I'm not trying to annoy anyone.

Unlike you, I do not take internet forums seriously.

I am here to have fun.

Now relax and drink that beer :)


Staff member
Unlike you, I do not take internet forums seriously.

How do I take them seriously? Maybe to the point where I like to hang out here and chat shit with people I've known on-line for years but I certainly don't take any of this seriously and I won't apologize for it either. I am always reminding everyone that it's just a stupid hobby.

Anyway, back to Saw:

The end twist was fucking awesome. This movie is the shiznit. It's the way the end reveal is played that makes it so kick ass.The last two minutes of this film make an allready good movie cross into great cinema and one of the all time best horror movies ever made. I'm not sure anyone could guess the twist going in blind. I know cloudscum picked up the killer from the flashback due to a clue that is left in it (and I really should of as well but didn't) but that still doesn't make the twist apparant. Great stuff.



Mentalist said:
How do I take them seriously? Maybe to the point where I like to hang out here and chat shit with people I've known on-line for years but I certainly don't take any of this seriously and I won't apologize for it either. I am always reminding everyone that it's just a stupid hobby.

Anyway, back to Saw:

The end twist was fucking awesome. This movie is the shiznit. It's the way the end reveal is played that makes it so kick ass.The last two minutes of this film make an allready good movie cross into great cinema and one of the all time best horror movies ever made. I'm not sure anyone could guess the twist going in blind. I know cloudscum picked up the killer from the flashback due to a clue that is left in it (and I really should of as well but didn't) but that still doesn't make the twist apparant. Great stuff.


I didn't see the final twist coming: that ....*spoiler code* the dead body in the middle of the room was actually the jigsaw killer, who was the dying patient in the hospital flashback.

I saw the hospital orderly, who expressed empathy with the dying man, and instantly guessed he was the killer, and the film revealed that, but it turned out it was a bluff - so kudos to the film for outsmarting me.

how did he stay so still all that time though?

very good though, look forward to watching the sequel.


Staff member

how did he stay so still all that time though?

Yeah, that's the crunch, I can sort of forgive that because in movies you are expected to excersise such a level of disbelief for what's going on and in Saw it isn't a supernatural killer, things are played for gritty realism so that small unlikley event can be forgiven due to the pay off the filmakers got by going that route with having jigsaw in the same room the entire time. I mean when he gets up it's just a great moment. And the look on the dudes face as he realises that they are finished is priceless and then the recap of everything in the movie in 30 seconds with that huge revelation finally understood just blew me away. That goes along side Kyzer Soze as a genius twist. Saw II actually is getting good reviews on IMDB, I checked it out. Obviously, it can't have a twist of that magnitude in it but I am greatly anticipating watching it now. The movie is an indie flick and had a budget of around a million and is first time writer, actor and director all rolled into one. They sure didn't mess about on their first film, did they?

All in all I was very impressed, had me on the edge of my seat and totally hooked from the very first scene. That's very rare for me. My attention span with movies is always being tested these days but this one was just awesome.

Saw rules!


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Shut up, queerbait.