I'm just going to have to spam here


I love you
And we're done

thats it

good night

I'm just kidding
I just took a shower
and now I'm done

I think I'm feeling better, but my throat still hurts at night. And then I start coughing. I hate coughing.


I love you
Time for tik tok and chill

LOL I fell asleep before I posted this-but now it is 4 AM, almost 5 actually and I am awake. Damn. I will try to get a few hours of sleep. I really like the morning time now when the sun comes through my window. It just wakes me up and gives me energy.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Just having my second cup of coffee, yum,

Going to make a big breakfast in a little bit. Ham turkey and veggie omelet with sausage and plant based bacon. Kind of like a Denny's Big Slam only with real food.


I love you

I got to the part of tik tok where people were just posting videos about thier crappy neighbors and airing thier dirty laundry
Which makes me think I should do some laundry now


Active Member
I am working on stuff. Once I get enough stuff done, I shall give myself permission to play Elden Ring. Unfortunately I'm fucking around.

Did a massive load of laundry an hour ago; got a few days behind so even with the stuff in the dryer there was still a bit to hang on the clotheshorse. Not my favourite job.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
We have a nice washerdryer in the house, so it's easy to keep up with the laundry, which I also hate.


I love you
I did no laundry.
I cleaned today
I put "Unravel" on my xbox and began playing that tonight.
I can barely get through any games anymore w/out tutorials, but I guess we used to buy books to help us anyway. Its a beautiful wholesome game.