Hitler Kitty

Hitler Kitty hates [you]!
Hitler Kitty hates unite. Hitler Kitty will be the only Kitty on this board! Hitler Kitty is not a pussy!

Hitler Kitty

Hitler Kitty hates [you]!
Hitler Kitty has reconsidered! Hitler Kitty will join with ACatBornInAnOvenIsNotACake, Mongo, and Sniper Kitty to wipe out all mice! Then Hitler Kitty will destroy Sarek, and bury him in Hitler Kitty's liter-box!


Registered User

Hitler Kitty

Hitler Kitty hates [you]!
Hitler Kitty will let Sarek know when his turn comes to roast in the ovens!


Vuhlkansu Wihs
Set the oven for 375 degrees. Preheat oven, then bake for 1 hr, 15 minutes, basting frequently.

And don't forget the shave your fur off first. It'll just burn and taint the taste of the meat.