Missmanners vs Cait?


So, both competitors in a child's swimming pool full of melted chocco in bikinis - winner is the first one to batter the other into unconsciousness - WHO WINS?


You Fox Eared Asshole!
Well, it's a given that we're all winners, but between the two of them I had to go with Cait.

Surprise, surprise. ;)

The Question

Such a contest would be dependent, of course, on selecting the right referee. *raises hand*

Starship Coyote

Original Gangster!
Cait would kick MM's ass.


Grand Wizard of TK
Missmanners. I’m sure all that hand mixing of cookie dough gave her strong arms.

As for Cait I’m not sure if she’s the dominant or submissive one in that silly sex play of hers.


So, if she was naked & crawling al over you, GTC, would it be 'silly' then?


Well, it ain't really my scene either. Naked flesh, however, is, and since I'm the dominant one all the time, I'd tear the silly chains, leather & rope off, and lob it in the corner.


Grand Wizard of TK
Gagh said:
Well, it ain't really my scene either. Naked flesh, however, is, and since I'm the dominant one all the time, I'd tear the silly chains, leather & rope off, and lob it in the corner.

As would I.


Something Wicked
Grandtheftcow said:
If she brought some of her chains, leather, and some rope, then yes it would still be silly.

LOL, this is funny in many ways. I'm not the one who brings rope or demands it, and I've never seen or had real chains used on me. I have some leather outfits, but they are not fetish, they are regular old street wear leather. Two skirts, a tank top and a number of jackets and coats.

If a man [I had a relationship with] had no desire for rope, then I'd be fine with that. It's not a play that I 'act' out, but I'm not going to try and explain it. It's really complicated if you're not into power relationships and/or don't understand them. Kink [ropes and chains and whips oh my!!!] does not necessarily have anything to do with a power relationship.. we just all get lumped into the acronym BDSM.

As far as silly, *snicker* everyone else's sex life seems silly [unless your kink is to watch]. When it's your kink, it erotic. Basic sexuality 101...


Caitriona said:
I have some leather outfits

I don't believe you, and I'm going to have to roll out the standard Wordin demand - post a pic of yourself wearing this, holding a copy of today's newspaper. This is only because I don't believe you, of course....


Something Wicked
LOL, of course.

1) I don't have a camera
2) [even if I did] It's almost 90 degrees today, and if you think I'd put on leather to prove anything to anyone, well.. I have a bridge in Brooklyn I'd like to sell.
3) No. ;)


Ignore my dual. I'm always a little clumsy around the women when I'm posting as him ;)


Caitriona said:
2) [even if I did] It's almost 90 degrees today, and if you think I'd put on leather to prove anything to anyone, well.. I have a bridge in Brooklyn I'd like to sell.

Do you accept TK Points?


I've already proposed to one woman - how can you guarantee both our happiness if I do so again in this oh so short life? ;)