My new shiny Mac


Can I have Ops?
About to go self employed and going to buy a Mac

Probably here:

My concerns:
13.3 inch screen? Should I be adding £300 to get a 15 inch OR, should I buy a monitor to plug into for home. Then when I travel I have a lighter Mac.

Is a refurb Mac a good thing?

Should I be avoiding any duff processors? Or are there some that I should look for?

I know this is not a "PLEASE HELP ME" forum, but so many of you are Mac heads...

FBI parte due

Folces Weard
I have plenty of friends who are happy putting together 10,000 word research papers on the history of the Florentine School in Ravenna from 1530 - 1540 on their 13.3 inch MacBooks (with the lowest-end processors). Probably depends on how much strain your ancient, cataract-ridden eyes can take, though.

Apple has a pretty good reputation with its refurbished stuff, which is probably why they discount it so little.


Can I have Ops?
Well in my industry I tend to put three words up on the screen and talk shite for an hour, so I will probably be safe...

I will ignore the ageist remarks (I fought in the war you know) Although someone caught me shopping in a mac store recently.


I'm in my fourth year on a refurbed MacBook Pro. It held up just fine.

Whatever you do, however, you MUST purchase the AppleCare warranty. Depending on what you purchase, it's about $300. It covers you for 3 years, and is worth it's weight in gold.

FBI parte due

Folces Weard
i.e. nothing?

For serious, I wouldn't say that you need it. It can depend on how delicately you treat it, but in general it's moderately hard to rack up more in hardware repairs than you pay for the warranty.

It is convenient, and it can be worth the peace of mind, but do keep in mind that Apple has a history of voiding AppleCare warranties because you handed your iPhone when your hands were too moist or because you smoked around your computer, and that the warranty explicitly doesn't cover accidental damage.

Depends on how cheap you're feeling (I assume not very).


beer, I want beer
Anyone who purchases a Mac is a complete and utter MORON. Same components as one would find in a PC. The ONLY DIFFERENCE? The OS. Dumbfucks pay TWICE the amount of money for a Mac than they otherwise would for a PC. That is just plain STUPID. You are paying a premium for a mere NAME. To all Mac-philes, I say 'DUUUUUHHHH'.


beer, I want beer
Yes, I'm sure that post will influence thousands of people.

'Thousands of people' do not have my level of intellect, and savvy. Do not even get me started with my charm and good looks. Such people are simply too dumb to be 'influenced'.


Can I have Ops?
I have it, and it is gorgeous.


I have a headache relearning what all the buttons do.
