Neg Me Now! It's an order!


Forever Empress E
Clean up your room. Do your homework. Brush your teeth. Scrub under your fingernails. Comb your hair.

Ooops. I thought you said "nag me now."


Forever Empress E
Mow the yard. Take out the trash. Sweep the porch. Call your grandmother.

How much nagging do you need?


Forever Empress E
He needs someone who yearns to nag day and night. I've already raised my kids or I'd be happy to do it - one more in the bunch would be piece of cake.


ummm.....i quite like this nagging. can you do it some more?....and maybe.....if you don't mind...use a know.......dirty words?........unless your'e not comfortable with that of course....


Forever Empress E
KenDodsDadsDog said:
ummm.....i quite like this nagging. can you do it some more?....and maybe.....if you don't mind...use a know.......dirty words?........unless your'e not comfortable with that of course....
Well, okay, if that is what you really want ...

Rake the dog feces into a hole and cover it with dirt.
Clean out the litter box.
Change the paper in the bottom of the bird's cage.
Use stain remover on that bowel movement mark in your underwear.
Repot the plants on the veranda.
Use the toilet brush, not your hands, to scrub the toilet.
Wash that brown shit off your nose.


fuck the mice it's the snakes that are doin my head in! nasty, slimy, bitey things that crawl out of toilets and up your arse. nasty motherfuckers. speaking of which. who the fuck is virginia? I don't think she is Jillian in disguise, her writing isn't as good.


New Member
My cats take care of the mice

And the rats, chipmunks, birds, anything else they can sneak up on.


New Member
KenDodsDadsDog said:
fuck the mice it's the snakes that are doin my head in! nasty, slimy, bitey things that crawl out of toilets and up your arse. nasty motherfuckers. speaking of which. who the fuck is virginia? I don't think she is Jillian in disguise, her writing isn't as good.

snakes aren't slimy, they're dry and scaly. it's a common misconception a lot of idiots have.
As to who I am? who cares. But not jillian.


Forever Empress E
I think Jillian isn't even Jillian.


New Member
maybe it's someone called jillian pretending to be jillian?


Forever Empress E
Nah, from what little I've heard, I think it is quite possible Jillian checked out one day and something else entirely walked in to her gin soaked brain.

However, I must nag KenDodsDadsDog. Hmmm... how does one nag a dog?

Chew that bone. Chew that slipper. Pee in that same spot, again. Scratch up the door. Tear up the blinds. Dig a hole in the yard. Bark in the middle of the night - and don't quit. Knock that expensive trinket off the coffee table, then chew on it, then poop on it. Dig a hole in the couch. Get hair all over absolutely everything.

I mean, dogs love being dogs.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
...first multiple negreps :)


wolverines ate my mother
Do you think he owns his own "tickling stick"?