New TK species discovered: The Jackdancerdancer




Aww. Leave off him SD. He has to do this to continue to deny to himself that the only reason he is here, is to stalk jack.

In fact, that's probably all he has in life itself.


Shitty Dual said:
With wit such as this, you should seriously consider a career as a cartoonist.

He tried that already. Unfortunately there was a problem: Anthropo Rail turned out to be shit.
ChrisG76 said:
Aww. Leave off him SD. He has to do this to continue to deny to himself that the only reason he is here, is to stalk jack.

In fact, that's probably all he has in life itself.
D00d, we spend way more time stalking the dork lord than jack. you've been away, so you don' know. :D

*jerks off in my mouth*


Hero1000 said:
D00d, we spend way more time stalking the dork lord than jack. you've been away, so you don' know. :D

*jerks off in my mouth*

Watch your mouth, or I'll set Elnidfse on you. Didn't you know we were a team? He PM'd me. He has SUPER TACTICZ HE'S GOING TO TAKE YOU OUT WITH, BITCH. He's the fucking strongarm of TK, so fucking watch it, O-Fucking-Kay?


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Nice edit, retard :bigass:


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Keep guessing, retard.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Well twinkletoes, it ain't me. Shit I still can't play with karma.
Hero1000 said:
meh. the fact that someone is changing my posts is pretty fucking funny.
They still don't get that we don't care what they say or think. It's also pretty funny that, with all the Pickle-raping shit, it's pretty hard to tell which posts actually have been edited.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Elrod said:
They still don't get that we don't care what they say or think. It's also pretty funny that, with all the Pickle-raping shit, it's pretty hard to tell which posts actually have been edited.

It's funny how you keep telling us in detail how much you don't care what we say or think. In your case, two thousand six hundred and twenty four times.

EDIT: You sound angry btw ***NAUGHTY! No personal info Jack!!!***


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
I'll get on my knees to Worship anytime.