Occasional Cortex; or, When Satire Isn't Satire

The Question

Everyone Who's Never Read A History Book Shocked As Socialist Turns Into Authoritarian At First Whiff Of Power

Best quote:

"Wow, a socialist who was elected on her promises to work 'for the people' is suddenly telling everyone she's in charge and they have to listen to her? That's really weird," said one man in Portland who dropped his world history class in high school. "I would have thought socialists never suddenly transform into power-hungry maniacs as soon as they get their first high from telling people what to do."

Now, The Babylon Bee is a satire site a bit like The Onion. The problem with Alexandria Occasional-Cortex is that she's already a satire character. How exactly does one set upon the business of making a woman look ridiculous whose every public utterance does that same job upon herself? Another good quote:

Another thing shared in common by those who were surprised by this development is never having read Animal Farm by George Orwell, sources confirmed at publishing time.

Ouch. :D

The Question
