Outing the Race Baiters at Duke

Alex Buchet

New Member

88 members of the Duke arts and science faculty--the so-called Gang of 88--signed a public statement praising campus demonstrators who had distributed a "WANTED" poster that branded the lacrosse players as "rapists." The Gang of 88 didn't use that term, but its statement referred to "what happened to this young woman." Ignoring calls to wait for the evidence, the gang instead went into full social-justice gear.
Most of these profesors teach race and gender issues in various humanities and social science departments. There are hardly any law professors, physics professors or mathematics professors among the Gang of 88. In the fields where evidence counts the most, it seems that professors remained silent. But the supposed experts on the topic of bigotry put their knowledge to work and jumped into action, and now they are revealed as having jumped the gun. I'm not saying they should be given the Imus treatment, but if the lacrosse players file lawsuits against Duke, I hope these fellows will be called to give a public account. And it's not too much for the university to ask them to apologize for actions that they took on their departments' behalf.