Requesting prayers for my wifes' nephew's youngest daughter

Knight Templar

Registered User
Camille has now passed 5 out of 6 of the "no chemotherapy" tests. Only the pathology report remains. Thanks for all the prayers and well wishes. It means a great deal to me and Camille's parents to know there are people all across the country pulling for her.

I went to the doctor again today because of my persistent extreme coughing and the almost complete loss of my voice. She had a chest x-ray done and said I have bronchitis. They gave me a a steroid shot (I assume to reduce lung inflammation) and prescribed some powerful cough syrup with hydrocodone in it. Unfortunately the pharmacy had very little. I've got only enough for two and a half doses. I'll take it just prior to bedtime the next three nights. We're leaving to spend Christmas with Annalee. She's on call Tuesday and Thursday (neuro surgical technician-board certified) so its difficult for her to get away overnight.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Ugh steroids and depressants. Grats on your little one, we've been holding her in our thoughts.

You might try a tea with garlic, ginger, astragalus and nettle. Grind everything up in a spice grinder and steep in boiling water for 15 minutes. Take with a little honey or maple syrup. Should help some.

Knight Templar

Registered User
Camille is going to have to undergo chemotherapy. The port is being put in Tuesday and Wednesday. After that she'll have on chemotherapy treatment per week for a total of 14-18. I was praying she wouldn't have to have chemotherapy. Now I'm praying that it kills the cancer for good and the side effects are not too severe.

Her first birthday was last Wednesday.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
These things are tough, and take time. You all might do a little cannabis research around the chemo. THC is safe for kids and effective when those treatments are involved. Lots of studies supporting it, and it may help her with her appetite and nausea.

They make gummies!

Knight Templar

Registered User
Camille has made it through her first three chemotherapy treatments as well as possible I suppose. The second treatment last week made her sick but they gave her something for her stomach before she left the hospital and it was cleared up pretty quick. That's as well as can be expected I supposed.


Zombie Hunter
Missed this when it was happening. Adding some prayers.

Knight Templar

Registered User
Things have gone dramatically worse today with Camille's 5th chemotherapy treatment. She was far sicker in the aftermath of the treatment and I was told her platelet count dropped dramatically. Plus she spiked a fever this evening (apparently after she got home) so they're taking her back to the hospital.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Chemo's an issue. Deadly poisons.

Give CBD/THC gummies a whirl. They'll probably help her with her nausea and loss of appetite.

Knight Templar

Registered User
Camille got to come home Tuesday. She did not have a chemotherapy treatment this week. From what we can see by the videos uploaded by her parents she seems to feel well and seems pretty happy

One of her chemotherapy chemicals she only receives every three weeks so missing the treatment this week was not that big a deal. I think it is a couple of more weeks until her next one of it.

All for the moment.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Thanks for the continued update. Thoughts and prayers.

Knight Templar

Registered User
I don't know if they decided on another chemotherapy treatment for Camille today. As of yesterday they had not decided. I worried given this virus outbreak thing and her immune system being severely depressed. They've now restricted her to just one caregiver besides her parents. That is her grandmother Mandy (Amy's sister). Plus they are keeping her sister Elliot (5 year old) out of preschool to prevent her exposure to any diseases. Even if all goes well Amy and I probably won't see Camille again until late summer


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Shit's getting real.

Knight Templar

Registered User

Camille was readmitted to the hospital after her fever spiked again. Given I get all my information from my wife regarding her I haven't hear anything since Friday. In explanation, Amy left on Friday to spend the weekend at Annalee's. I would like to have gone but if I went we would've have to have taken Murphy with us and the three of us plus two medium sized dogs (our Murphy, Annalee's Bo) in Annalee's one bedroom/one bath apartment is just too much for me. I'll see Annalee Easter weekend at Amy's parents anyway.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Stay safe.