The ku kiux klan


The Legendary Troll Kingdom


Can you see where I went with this thread? You just prove my point about the ku klux klan, the original founder of hooded head gear, masks and gowns for women. Now they wear three piece suits and kill black people and minorities through our government system and police brutality. Face it crackers, Black Americans got you. More and more of you white american's are being darken to BLACK.Once you go BLACK, you are BLACK. Baahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.

No dawg! As long as a Black Women gets that money from a kracker, its all good. Personally, I'm not down with that. Y'all been having relations with our Black Women since we've been transported form Africa to the new land since day 1. A house cupcakeer had a higher status and standard of living which started with African Black Women. But while you krackers were getting busy with our Black Women, Kunta Kinte was making love to snow whitty/white women. Baahahahahahahahahahaha. Black men and women are changing your culture. We are fucking every kracker available. As a matter of fact! I'm going to fuck a snow kracker bunny now. baahahahahahahahaha.



The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Dressing your hand as a white woman and jerking off is not fucking a white woman DAWG

baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahaha now bye bye ugly racist thread


Are the primary targets of the KKK still against African well as Jews, immigrants, leftists, homosexuals, Catholics, and Muslims? Discuss.

The first Klan was established in the wake of the Civil War and was a defining organization of the Reconstruction era. Organized entirely in the Southern United States, it was suppressed through federal intervention in the early 1870s. It sought to overthrow the Republican state governments in the South, especially by using voter intimidation and targeted violence against African-Amrican leaders. How could this still be No klan member ever had children with African Americans, Jews, immigrants, leftists, homosexuals, Catholics, or Muslims women. What did the klan members think when the slave owners had children with African American women? With that said, ku kiux klan must hate themselves. The Discuss that!



The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Guess you got owned in this thread good, eh DAWG???? Fuck off boy.


Questions About the KKK

How big a threat is the KKK in the U.S. today? Has the KKK had any lasting political impact? Is the KKK a movement mostly in the rural South? Why do KKK members wear white hoods and burn crosses? Has the KKK always functioned as a violent terrorist group? DISCUSS.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
As far as I'm concerned, I'm the most racist person on this board.

Nice self own, cupcakeer. Way to prove your own point.

As usual, this thread (like all your threads) age like milk.

No one cares. :bigass:


Still in Mom's basement


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Nice thread me
You've lurked it enough. See yourself in it's reflection?

Nice self own, wilson. Way to prove your own point.

As usual, this thread (like all your threads) age like milk.

No one cares. And everyone hates you:bigass:

Nice bump DM he bit just like I said he would LOL :bigass:
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