Tips for being a great leader...


Zombie Hunter
...inspired by my soon to be former boss. The first of a series:

When you conduct a meeting, relay all the basic information up front and wrap up with "That's all I have. Anything for me? No? OK, let's get out there and get busy." Then remember the half-dozen things you needed to tell people before lapsing into undirected banter while everyone sits around for another 15 minutes.

Tell your people to do one thing and then, when it's too late to do otherwise, tell them to do something mutually exclusive. That way, if things work out, you can take credit for it but if they don't you can blame your people for not listening.

Tell your people to do the most basic and rudimentary aspects of their job: "Everyone, be sure to wear a shirt and shoes to work today."

If you manage your people via a text chat phone group you can just lock up your desk and go home whenever you feel like it while still being able to tell them what to do.

If you follow these and other productive tips, you'll be well on your way to a happy and productive workplace! :)