TOS questions

It has come to my intention that I supposedly violated the TK TOS by declaring I would contact the FBI on Pedo Jack.

Is this a violation? Or do I need to be more explicit in my threats to turn in Pedo Jack? When does a troll comment become elevated to an actual TOS violation that threatens the TK establishment?

Then again, does it matter? No admin has the balls to ban Imperium anyway, so you can skip this question, cowards.


Forever Empress E
So, did you tell Jack you were a minor masquerading as a consenting adult before you offered up your neck for fucking?
That is like that show with that guy with the chat transcripts.

"Why don't you sit down over here. I have some questions for you."


Forever Empress E
Hey Clay - why did you pick those songs for your latest album? You're such a crooner and when you sing those love ballads without the jazzy tempo you are awesome. The jazzy tempo turns you into meh.


Let's fuck some shit up
I thought about DCing you for a second when I saw that comment. Since I knew it was an idle threat which coincided with the theme of the shit you were both throwing at eachother I left it alone..

So, basically, it's up to the admins to determine these sorts of disputes.

As a warning. Pushing the envelope on such things will only gain you fast and exclusive access to Day Care.
I have already contacted the SPB (Small Penis Bureau) division of the FBI to have you taken in for questioning.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
They referred the case to the NFD


New Member


lulz @ Jackal....awwwwwwww!



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