Understanding Anti-Semitism: Why Do People Dislike Jews?


New Member
Why do people dislike Jews? This is a question that is seldom asked; and, if any answer is given, the typical explanation is simply "hatred." Yet, even in such cases where that explanation is acceptable, we must address that the hatred is indeed based on something--even if that "something" is nonsense. In perhaps the first time ever, this documentary traces anti-Semitism to its earliest claimed manifestations and follows it through time to the present. In a novel approach to this topic, this documentary attempts to be objective. Still, it does not seek to condone Jewish antipathy; the video merely documents the many reasons why it exists, showing nearly every conceivable justification for its continued existence by non-Jews. And it does this in an even-handed approach that refutes such hatred based on stereotypes, with examples of Jews who do not toe-the-line to fracture such ideas.
For those of you that are bored enough to spam, a short 'lil film.

The above is a very large file, roughly 180MB. It is in Windows Media Video format, a compressed format for Internet viewing. If you do not have a fast connection - LAN/Broadband/Cable - it is recommended that you don't try to download it, as it would take too much time.

The video has a bit of a dramatic flair to it. However, it nicely condenses some of the arguments of us "evil neo-nazis" (a.k.a anyone critical of Israel and/or Jews or anyone questioning the Holohoax) to bite-size proportions.


Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
Yeah, you have issues.

Kerb Crawler

Closed Fist of the Badlands
I'll try and watch it later tonight.


New Member
Atlas_Collins said:
Muslim scum arabs are semites too. How come they get a pass?
What pass? They needn't be mentioned every other post, do they?

Starship Coyote

Original Gangster!
Atlas_Collins said:
Muslim scum arabs are semites too. How come they get a pass?

From what I've seen, no Arab leader has ever gotten on radio and announced that the Arabs control America... like Ariel Sharon did. That's good enough for me.


New Member
Ogami said:
I generally try to take stands based on fact, not puffing self-righteous outrage. It's why I win, not so hard an equation.

The Question

Actually, this subject has been done once before, and done better if for no other reason than that it wasn't tainted by Ogami's retarded blatherings.


New Member
989 posts compared to 20,401.

Who's blathering? You couldn't have said what you meant with less?

The Question

Gurk_MacGuintey said:
/\ Oh look! Questard's back from Brawl Hall. Did you get banned yet? It only took me 50 posts.

Being done the fastest is only an accomplishment if you're a pimply-faced adolescent. The ladies are more impressed with staying power. When you've spent over a year trolling a single target before deciding it's time to get yourself banned, let me know.

The Question

Ogami said:
989 posts compared to 20,401.
Your inference that high quantity automatically indicates low quality is a perfect reminder of your hopelessly inadequate mental arsenal.

Who's blathering?
You are, dipshit. Pay attention.

You couldn't have said what you meant with less?
I certainly could have. I chose not to. ;)

The Question

Ogagme said:
How much courage does it take to be in a wolf pack, Question?

You obviously have no idea of the history between myself, this subject and this board. I didn't join this pack, shit-for-brains -- I founded it. I did my time as the Lone Wolf.