What's So DAMN hard...

The Question

...about 24 hour time and compass directions?

There are 24 hours in a day. 0000 (Double-Ought-Hundred) to 1200 (twelve-hundred). From there, literally all you have to be able to do is count from 12 to 24. How fucking hard is that, exactly?

As for direction, why the hell do so many people prefer relative direction over fixed direction when relative direction is actually more confusing? "Left" and "right" are relative. They depend on which direction you're facing when you hear them. Fixed directions -- north, east, south, and west -- do not change depending on your relative direction.

Example -- somebody's giving you relative directions -- if that fucker gets distracted, even for a second, and accidentally repeats a left or a right, and you follow that sloppy-ass shit, at some point you end up a full fucking 90 degrees off.

"So okay, what you do is, you go left, then left, then -- Kevin, I swear to god, quit eating your sister's face! -- sorry, then left, then right, then left, then..."

And the killer is that because relative directions are sloppy as fuck from the outset, it's not like you can repeat their directions back to them and expect them to catch it if you're wrong, either.

"Okay, so that's three left, then a right, then a left?"

"Uh... sure, yeah."

That's actually not easier than being precise. Fucking sloppy isn't easier.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
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