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Scooby Doo I love You!

I Love Cunt

Watch It
THE REAL WORLD as if you lived in it .

26 // 10 // 2008.

***FIRST :TO THE ADMINISTRATION: I didn't appreciate to be banned , just because of caricaturing and for responding on other insults , and if my insults are smarter and more sharpy, it is because my adversaries are weaker and brainless ,

but I can understand : for EQUAL JUSTICE and to reequilibrate the FORUM , YOU BANNED ME so my adversaries can have the right to express freely without being UNDERGROUNDED by my replies.

WE MUST ALWAYS HELP THE WEAKER " the UNDERDOG " , and administration , in that politic I can back you and understand for this goal my bann , so for my adversaries , if the ADMINISTRATION bann me another time you must thank it because it is just to EQUILIBRATE. (( ME against ALL of my adversaries and who back them and all over the world + Mars+ Saturne+ Neptune etc........))

WITH all the respect I have to JOUMBLATT , I am not joumblatt to calm and change my tone after banning (( the mountains's clashes )) from hight and convinced to weak and thanksfull here , thanksfull there , and surely not give up , so maybe I will be banned another time : BUT I WILL KEEP MY WAY OF THINKING and my IDEAS HIGHT above all of words consideration:
WHAT WILL BE WILL BE ..................I WILL REMAIN FAITHEFULL TO WHAT I BELEIVE IN, no matter what it costs ..........

and with such stances SAMIR prefered 11 YEARS of JAIL than renoncing to his beleives and way of expression......

SO maybe I Will be also banned FOR 11 YEARS .................Prepare THE HANDCUFFS for me .......

But I just will remind you that on TAYYAR forum the insults against all leaders of 14 Mars and some members of 14 mars in the forum are not sanctionned , because they need each person to spread information ( true or not ) in order to win elections .

And here I am FIGHTING ennemies with a PEN not with the SWORD !!!!! what do you prefer : MY COLORED CARICATURES against ennemies or HIV's RPG and Kalashnikofs against each others : IT's up to you .......... and as I said we need each person to fight for our independance stolen by AOUNITO and Co .............

After all , HIV-MANAR and OTV use all propaganda lies and dirty money to fight 14 MARS , and we on forums he have only our BRAIN and PEN : so let us have the best way of expression that fits to each one of us , at least until the elections !!

Rules are made to facilitate life and organize it , but caricatures and colors are not to dezorganize life !!!!!!!!!!and if I insult , it is always replying on other insults, and in an AMAZING and COMIC WAY : check it !!!!!!!!!!!

and don't be like the HIDDEN TURBANATOR BONOBO who sent his dogs to protest and burn BC because of his caricature !!
In case of deleting this thread for any reason , I advice the ones concerned to copy it quickely , and to reread it .I won't be able to reply if I'm banned , so spare me your insults when I am not here : this is a SIGN of Cowerdness and Weakness !!!

NB:For those who says about my english command is pitiful , I tell them , come and express like me in FRENCH , ITALIAN , GERMAN, ARABIC , and so we can compare all our expressions in many languages.

LOOK WEREWOLF ((he will reconize himself )) my reply to you in LASSA CHURCH POST (you must go back to the thread to see for what I am replying )).

*I won't respond you like you did , I mean word against word , sentence against sentence , paragraph against paragraph, idea against idea, : because this way to respond like yours , show to me that if I write 10 000 SENTENCES you will respond AGAINST these 10 000 SENTENCES just to say "I AM ALWAYS RIGHT and YOU ARE ALWAYS WRONG "

*your kind of person ((maybe you maybe not : I said your KIND of person )) who never accept the other's ideas , are very known in psychiatry : PARANOIA

*YES CHOUKAIR and HIV the AIDS of :got the aeroport , and that's why the UNDERGROUNDED HIDDEN TURBANATOR BONOBO lunched a civil war on 7 MAY just to protect " HIS " MILK COW=THE AEROPORT from where he have ARMS ((also by syria's borders )) // SMUGGLED STUFFS // MONEY // PASDARANS etc etc..// and surely many iranian friends and new aounito iranian friends with their AJAMI CARPETS on where they FLY like in ONE THOUSAND AND ONE NIGHTS fairy tails with:

ALLADIN magic lamp to enlight DAHIé: or you can also use NASSER KANDIL by burning his NAME ?? //

--- ALI BABA's cavern = NBN with the word to open it ,by BERRI the Forty thieves's chief = rather than saying : "CESAME ouvre toi "= "OPEN SESAME" , he 'll say : " DOLLAR OPEN my BLACK DIRTY HATRED HEART "" and NBN is enlightened Waoooooooooo !!!!!!!!!

---and don't forget Ali Baba's cousin that loves iranian money also= CASSIM ((NAIM KASS-EM : the TURBANATOR BONOBO's handkerchief= his kleenex = for ONE USE and to the garbage.... ))//

---and SINDBAD the sailor ((and not Popey the sailor man hou hou !!)) = AOUNITO who travel to france to convince ISSAM FARES , to IRAN to KISS AHMADI-SEBBAT's shoes , and all that on MAGIC AJAMI CARPET = the new iranian airplane company= AIR -BAGKHOMEINIST to protect him from the LF HERCULIS CLASHES against his FPM smoking BREATH !!!!!!!!

---finally SHEHERAZADE :berri's thirteen/ /or forty// or eighty wife who is telling fairy tails to governement , to save her HEAD , ((like in the story where sheherazade is afraid of her head to be cut by the sultan )), in lying about her WEALTHY way of life in london , and all that payed by taxes !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thieve and wife's thief : what a couple of thieves : BONNIE and CLYDE politicians !!!!!!!!!!
Fuck that makes me laugh!!!
& there is 35 moar pages of that rant.

zomg lol " the HIDDEN TURBANATOR BONOBO" loooooooooool
" THE YOSS and the VENOM " :
seems to be like a fable de la fontaine...............

I am very happy to have you as adversaries, because first , in your last post:

1- you seems to think , or wondering if I am a women , in a low poor paltry tone , as MACHISTS.......
no doubt about PMers who consider women like HIV considers them , and we see that in HIV's meeting how these PARTS of the hummanity is marginalized,

you just want them in the kitchen , and I hope FPM's women read you , so that they understand your contamination by your HIV ally, that is in the best case , and on the worst case , you were already MACHO and consider women as your inferior.

2-I am surprised to see such idiots reading ((especially VENOM,on whome I already commented on the other L.. forum , )), all my posts , and not one single moment noticed , the difference between man's expressions and woman's expressions.
I can get a FIVE YEARS OLD BOY and let him read one of my posts , and just noticed the littlest tiny microscopique detail , or the bigest gigantic macroscopique detail in my text , and he will come quickely to the conclusion that I am a man.
but I don't mind being treated as a woman , because I consider them my EQUAL.

and I am honored to RAISE their flag in my combats , because WOMEN or MEN , in my mentality and in true mentality are the same under GOD's umbrella.


*** on DIONYSOS commenting my poem sentence:

-I am not surpised to see such comment , because surely in your earlier school years you never liked poems , and you never listened to your teacher's explainations:

just for the others , because for dionysos it is useless:
I , the author in that sentence , wanted to express , the simplicity of souvenirs in the child's mind , his primary colors , his preference to candies , like all kids , and the beautiful dreams that we can have , when little kids , COLOR DREAMS , on the opposit of our dreams being adult where the innocence of pur color , is replaced by our daily problems.
so the simplicity of the sentence reflect the purity and the innocence of the childhood......

i refuse to explain to such as dionysos every phrase , word or expression in poems , because it's up to him to try to understan the undermeaning of each line: but for that you have to be deep and not a superficial almost human being=the under-mythologic greek god " sorti de la cuisse de jupiter " by his father ZEUS.
No lc, b/c this thread is the ghey so this, only rightfully, belongs here.

I already have cunt face. Make a new thread with your interesting things. It would be better that way-you know, a more "organized" badlands then. Go ahead do it SuN.
I see that your eyes are tired of reading my thread , maybe you need iranian glaces , or dictionnary to understand what I said.
it's ok for me :
in the two cases : GO to BED ......... if you are nocturnal , now that the sun is shining in this part of the world , it might hit your eyes, and even if you are in the other side of the planet where there is dark:

too much is too much......... everything must be used moderately , so don't read all my thread , just the 10 first sentences adressed to administration, this part is maybe on your level understanding ,

because even my signature :

LIBERTA seems to be the EVEREST for your analysis and comprehension.

Don't be sad if you didn't understand some paragraphs ,your party is well known to accept all the UNTHINKING and "YES SIR " sheeps.....

FPM don't want people to analyse or think , aounito want you to BELEIVE HIM ...............JUST BELEIVE HIM ..........

and He'll ((he will ))do the rest for you

like KAMEL EL ASSAAD and family in the south saying to the shiaas in the earlier 70's : why schools for you , I will study and defend you...

And now the turn for aounito 50 years after ASSAAD /:aounito saying :

" WHY thinking , just WATCH OTV+ MANAR and I Will lead you to HELL ..

Hell's good , there is no saints , but beautiful nude girls and guys , and you will enjoy it,"

but this is only PUBLICITY:

when in hell there will be only skull and bones , and even if you ask to get your money back for the journey.......

there will be no money back , and the TRIP in HELL will continue...........

ENJOY the 100000000000000000 ° heat ..................

and good HOT SUMMER FPM HELL..............

CIAO and "bonne nuit les petits " NOCTURNAL...................

LIBERTA ......................LEC
I already have cunt face. Make a new thread with your interesting things. It would be better that way-you know, a more "organized" badlands then. Go ahead do it SuN.

I don't think 'cunt face' was necessary.

Have it ur way then, say goodbye to ur shit thread.

kthnxbai biyatch
I see that your eyes are tired of reading my thread , maybe you need iranian glaces , or syrian dictionnary to understand what I said.
it's ok for me :
in the two cases : GO to BED ......... if you are nocturnal , now that the sun is shining in this part of the world , it might hit your eyes, and even if you are in the other side of the planet where there is dark:

too much is too much......... everything must be used moderately , so don't read all my thread , just the 10 first sentences adressed to administration, this part is maybe on your level understanding ,

because even my signature :

LIBERTA seems to be the EVEREST for your analysis and comprehension.

Don't be sad if you didn't understand some paragraphs ,your party is well known to accept all the UNTHINKING and "YES SIR " sheeps.....

FPM don't want people to analyse or think , aounito want you to BELEIVE HIM ...............JUST BELEIVE HIM ..........

and He'll ((he will ))do the rest for you

like KAMEL EL ASSAAD and family in the south saying to the shiaas in the earlier 70's : why schools for you , I will study and defend you...

And now the turn for aounito 50 years after ASSAAD /:aounito saying :

" WHY thinking , just WATCH OTV+ MANAR and I Will lead you to HELL ..

Hell's good , there is no saints , but beautiful nude girls and guys , and you will enjoy it,"

but this is only PUBLICITY:

when in hell there will be only skull and bones , and even if you ask to get your money back for the journey.......

there will be no money back , and the TRIP in HELL will continue...........

ENJOY the 100000000000000000 ° heat ..................

and good HOT SUMMER FPM HELL..............

CIAO and "bonne nuit les petits " NOCTURNAL...................

LIBERTA ......................LEC
Oh look. SuN is flooding with giant pink text. Funny how that is always acceptable.

Even from the thickest twat I've ever stumbled across online.