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Socialism advocated in Public Schools...


...isn't just right wing hyperbole, folks. It's fact.

Check out this California high school. Along with the requisite clubs that foster a separation of cultures under the guise of bringing them together, they have...hold on to your hats....a United Socialist Alliance!

I have no words...
SAUSAGEMAN, I don't get what you're trying to say. Spill it so we can start a discussion. Or don't and forever hold your peace.
The bitch of it is we're paying for socialism but we aren't getting it.

Yeah, they're kind of jumping the gun, there, aren't they? They usually trap a population before they make it quite that evident that the whole thing was a swindle all along.

No, the real bitch of it is that anyone who invested only a little time and effort in researching Socialism would discover that it's always been just a swindle, and idiot kids would stop falling for it.
You have a choice. Concisely explain your comments, or reveal them to be the ignorant ramblings of a petulant child.
To FBI: Just as I thought. Your comments cannot survive under the harsh lights of honest scrutiny.

Now run along, dear. The adults are having an informed debate.

TS, my concern is that there is no counter to this club. The students are being inundated with leftist drivel, as evidenced by the selection of other clubs offered. I'll bet you $20 that the history teacher, who runs the Socialist "club", preaches Howard Zinn, as well.
I thought about adding "passive-aggressive" to the list, but that one was pretty much obvious from post #1.

Keep on pretending that people respect and pay attention to your opinions, dearie.
Still not surprised. That atmosphere has been prevalent at the college level for quite awhile now. It was inevitable that it would spread to K-12. And that history teacher should be fired.
Still not surprised. That atmosphere has been prevalent at the college level for quite awhile now. It was inevitable that it would spread to K-12. And that history teacher should be fired.
I was surprised at the sheer blatancy of it. Apparently, it is an endorsed club, so the history teacher's tenure is safe. Unfortunately.

I think it has a lot to do with location, as well. CA is one of the most liberal, bordering on left, states there is. I wasn't aware how far left it leaned until this.

It makes me angry. If you are going to teach politics in school, teach all sides. It is a grave disservice to students to have an agenda like that.
That would hold true, Friday, except you might not be grasping just what this teaching is doing. He's not teaching them about socialism -- he's teaching them to be Socialists

Odds are he glosses over, severely spins or entirely omits the atrocities committed by Socialist regimes throughout history.
That would hold true, Friday, except you might not be grasping just what this teaching is doing. He's not teaching them about socialism -- he's teaching them to be Socialists

Odds are he glosses over, severely spins or entirely omits the atrocities committed by Socialist regimes throughout history.
It's so good to hear from someone who knows what he is talking about. You get it so rarely on the internet these days. Obviously you have a great deal of frist hand knowledge of this club, this teacher, and these students. You should definitely expand your audience by becoming more involved in the anti socialist movement.
That would hold true, Friday, except you might not be grasping just what this teaching is doing. He's not teaching them about socialism -- he's teaching them to be Socialists

Odds are he glosses over, severely spins or entirely omits the atrocities committed by Socialist regimes throughout history.
I wouldn't doubt that you are right, and that he uses the Zinn method of teaching history to do it. I would LOVE to sit in on one of his classes, to know what exactly he does put forth as fact.