FUCKING DOG!!!!!!!!!!!111111111
7 year old dog of mine. 1 of 3. SHe will NOT STOP PISSING INTHE LIVING ROOM. In the same fucking corner!!!!!!!111 The other two dont pisss, but I cant even be in the next room and trust her not to piss because she does it anyways! And she goes out like 10 fucking times a day!
Anyone ever have this problem? Ay, I know its TK, but Im at my wits end and had to rant:slap:
7 year old dog of mine. 1 of 3. SHe will NOT STOP PISSING INTHE LIVING ROOM. In the same fucking corner!!!!!!!111 The other two dont pisss, but I cant even be in the next room and trust her not to piss because she does it anyways! And she goes out like 10 fucking times a day!
Anyone ever have this problem? Ay, I know its TK, but Im at my wits end and had to rant:slap: