15 Examples of Black Privilege in America


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Most people know what white privilege is and speak openly about it. There are some privileges that African Americans enjoy, however, that are not as commonly known or talked about. Most are born from an attempt to help people who have not been given the same opportunities systematically.




The Legendary Troll Kingdom
#1 Special Educational Scholarships

It wouldn’t be politically correct to have a scholarship that was allocated specifically just to caucasian people. There are, however, many scholarships that are only available to minorities. Although they might not be specifically labeled as so, many of them are put aside for cultural and genetic ties to being African American. They are meant to serve underserved communities and help break barriers to educational access.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
There has been a real push over the past several decades to celebrate African American art and media. Black America has been traditionally left out of the media, and their art unappreciated. Not many Black people throughout history had the luxury of being a critically acclaimed artist or the means. What they did do, however, was a creative and artistic paradigm all their own. They are finally getting the forum that they haven’t been able to in the past.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom