326 pixels per inch


okay, that's pretty serious. that's higher pixel density than a printed page, for heavens sake.

i'm super excited, myself. i doubt that many else are, as it is just a phone. shoots HD vid, 1GHz processor, amazing screen, thin, long battery, the list of improvements is verbose.

oh, and i'm talking about the new iphone, if it wasn't obvious.

anyway, love you guys, miss you.


Pff, excited? I'm a little jealous. The resolution on that screen alone makes me wanna try it out. I guess at 960x640 the screen should probably be a little bigger, but seeing a display of that density will be a treat. If only they would start sticking those kinds of PPI's into desktop displays.

My 800x480 Touch Pro 2 suddenly feels like a QVGA phone, sigh. As much as I hate the Apple software philosophy (there's always Jailbreaking of course) I'd be happy to own this phone. Alas I still require a hardware keyboard, so I do hope that HTC get's off their ass and produces an Android phone with a screen of matching or higher resolution soon.

The Question

Even if there hadn't been the WWDC today, from specs like the ones in the OP, I sure as hell wouldn't have guessed anything but the new iPhone.