stealth ninja
how do you prefer your movies?
Mostly I say no, but I saw Prometheus in 3d by accident (wasn't paying attention when I bought the tickets) and I could see the appeal. However, it would have to be a very specific type of movie for me to spend the scratch.
Was Prometheus better in 3D? I should have loved tha.t movie but it just seemed sort of lacking. Maybe I needed Ripley.
It was badly written. The effects were good but the repeated out pf character moments and bits of plain shit writing spoiled it for me. In contrast I watched Aliens agin the other night. Either it or the original I could watch over and over, they hold up that well. Can't imagine seeing Prometheus again.
Who needs to know how to write when the vast majority of moviegoers only care about how awesome it'll look in 3fuckingD?I don't like nadly written stories no matter how many SFX they throw in. None of these characters was memorable or consistent. Writers have forgotten how to write.