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3rd Grade Teacher with a Boner

I Love Cunt

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I heard this on the Howard Stern Show the other day. I want to see if I can find other links to it, to see if this guy is for real-its pretty unbelievable to me that he doesn't think there is anything wrong with popping a boner while teaching 3rd graders-then excusing himself to the restroom to relieve himself and tell his students about it.
Thing is-its not like it happened once-but he says it happens several times through out the day-and he sees nothing wrong with it.
All raunchiness aside here at TK, please tell me this guy is an idiot-
A caller named Randolph called in to tell Howard about a legal issue he’s having of his own. Randolph reported that he was recently fired from his job as a third-grade teacher at an all-boys Catholic school because he often got erections in front of his students and would then explain his condition to them – without ever actually showing it to them. Randolph insisted that there are times when all men get erections they can’t control and that he was never excited because of his students. Randolph added that he used to talk about his erections to his students because he didn’t think they’d be able to speak to their parents about the subject.
Randolph, who said he’s 40 years old and married with two sons, also admitted that there were times when he excused himself from his classroom in order to “take care of himself.†Randolph added that he discussed masturbation with his students once in a while, but that he never demonstrated how to do it in front of them.

Although Howard commented that he couldn’t understand why Randolph was getting aroused in front of kids, a construction worker called in and said that erections sometimes happen at “inopportune times†and that they’re impossible to hide. However, the caller added that he doesn’t talk about his dilemma with his coworker when he gets an erection.
After a number of calls from teachers who labeled Randolph as a pedophile, Randolph claimed that, one time when he excused himself from the classroom to masturbate and was followed to the toilet by a student. Randolph went on to say that, after he was done pleasuring himself, he explained to the boy what he had been doing and why he was doing it.
When Randolph announced that he plans on suing the school district that fired him, Howard wished him “lots of luck.†Artie told Randolph, though, that he shouldn’t get too confident about his court case, adding that “Sam Simon has a number of friends who’ve gotten woodies in front of children who’ve lost their cases.â€
Yeah, the kids have nothing to do with his woodies.


I get spontaneous erections around online porn. It has nothing to do with the porn though.
His overwhelming, explain AT LENGTH every LITTLE THING that happens with his COCK to a bunch of 9-year-olds should be reason enough to haul him away.

OK, "cock" wasn't entendre there, probably didn't need the caps...
HaHa, Eggs, funny.
I just find it amazing that he is campaigning to get his job back, I mean I guess that would be "normal" but most accused of inapropriate pedophile behaviour don't go tell the world about it-ugh, or maybe they do, I just can't wrap my mind around this.
It's the old "see me talking normally like a sane person about this so it doesn't seem as weird as it is and hopefully you'll all go away" technique.

Works more with politicians and OS moguls.
Love Child said:
HaHa, Eggs, funny.
I just find it amazing that he is campaigning to get his job back, I mean I guess that would be "normal" but most accused of inapropriate pedophile behaviour don't go tell the world about it-ugh, or maybe they do, I just can't wrap my mind around this.
Seems a bit odd to me as well.

If he had a condition, why didn't he send a note home with his students to give to the parents? If he's innocent and not a pedo, he would have nothing to hide.
Poppin' wood at a bad time doesn't make you a chomo. But tellin' a room full of little kids about strokin' yer poker just maybe might.
I know that this is wrong.... but I couldn't help but laugh when I read this topic :)

This topic reminds me of a skit I saw on Monty Pythons Flying Circus once. It was a skit about sex education where the instructor went out and hired a prostitute, brought her in front of the class, had her strip down naked while he did the same, then started to "demonstrate" the correct methods of sexual intercourse which is a necessary element for human reproduction

That one episode had me laughing so hard that I actually cried :D