
Love Child said:
Does it mean anything? I don't think it does really. Stupid people and hype.

It's the date when Bush, his white house staffers and Congress all dance naked on the White House lawn while slaughtering lambs, drinking the blood of babies and screaming in Yiddish at passersby through megaphones.
The Question said:
It's the date when Bush, his white house staffers and Congress all dance naked on the White House lawn while slaughtering lambs, drinking the blood of babies and screaming in Yiddish at passersby through megaphones.
Remind me to be out of the country when this happens.
The Question said:
It's the date when Bush, his white house staffers and Congress all dance naked on the White House lawn while slaughtering lambs, drinking the blood of babies and screaming in Yiddish at passersby through megaphones.

You forgot the bonfire, graham crachers, chocolate and marshmellows.
This is my prediction for that day:

The sun will rise sometime in the morning.

Later, it will get hot...except in the southern hemisphere where it will get colder.

Lunch will be around 12:30.

Lots of people will post on TK.

That's the last day of school where Blondie works. She'll probably take the afternoon off, while my daughters rough it out in their classrooms.

At roughly 2pm, we'll savagely fuck.

At 3:20pm, Blondie will go get my daughters from school.

About 5pm, I'll make dinner.

The sun will go down somewhere around 8pm here.

At midnight, a new day will come.

Those are my predictions for 6/6/06.
My predictions.......I'll work...then maybe go see the omen...then go to castles and coaster with a bunch of goth kids.........maybe.
I'm putting my money on December 21, 2012 being MUCH more interesting.

I'm going to run up my credit cards on hookers and booze on Dec 20th of that same year. I'll also run my CJ5 along the rail-road tracks just for the hell of it that same day, because I always wanted to.

Kam-pi Motherfuckers! Yeah, bad romanji spelling, I know. Like I have ever given a fuck about spelling or grammar on here.

But on 6-6-2006, I'll find the roof access to the local multiplex 11 at the Springdale mall, the local vortex of consumer evil, and shoot streams of apple-juice from a super soaker on the line to see the latest remake of a mediocre 70's horror flick. I'll do the same to the line for Posidon Adventure too, if there is one. That will be a good afternoon's entertaiment.
If I can find a big jug of cat urine for free, I'll use that instead of apple juice, but I'm not collecting it. I'll sell the super soaker on E-bay after that.
June 6, 2006 is a Tuesday, an odd release date for a film, they usually come out on Wednesdays and Fridays. That's about as weird as it gets.

I'll probably spend the day on the phone with a unch of moronic framers that equate getting their box frame with getting a kidney transplant. One idiot will mention the date and I'll say something overtly Christian to make them squirm.

I will pack it up at about 5:00p and head to Best Buy to get my friend Cathi's graduation present. Pick up a little Chinese food, head home, hunker down to watch Dog the Bounty Hunter, go work out and then hit the sack.

I normal Tuesday.
I will bathe in the blood of virgins, sacrifice some goats, rape and pillage, and treat myself to some ice cream!

Oh, and post my naughty intentions and proclivities on TK.