Troll Kingdom

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A bad dog

Strange, considering 90% of your interaction with people here must be with those you consider your lessers.
Not so strange when you consider that 75 percent of the members here are in all likelyhood duals, 10 percent of which belong to you. Then there's the other 15 percent which are the retarded leftovers from the comicon invasion and the turdwars children.

You work with what you got. And we got a lot of duals and retards!
Sarek said:
Not so strange when you consider that 65 percent of the members here are in all likelyhood duals,

10 percent of those duals belonging to you.


The other 15 percent are the retarded leftovers from the comicon invasion and the turdwars children.

You work with what you got. And we got a lot of duals and retards!

Which you so thoroughly enjoy mingling with.

EDIT: Let me put that back up for you.
Your entire existence on TK has always been that of putting down those you deem inferior. It's not unnatural here, but when it occupies 99% of your time, you've got to worry.
Zodiac said:
Your entire existence on TK has always been that of putting down those you deem inferior. It's not unnatural here, but when it occupies 99% of your time, you've got to worry.

You make a lousy analyst. It only occupies 50 percent of my time. The other 50 percent is taken up with spamming. Besides, "inferior" isn't the right word for it. I would however agree with moronic and or retarded. :D
Zodiac said:
state of mind
Waaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh! SaintLucifer is more popular in Wordforge than I am so I better get him banned. Wahhhhhhhhhhhh. He is stealing my thunder in Wordforge! *stamps his feet* I want SaintLucifer gone because everyone pays attention to him and not me. Waaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh.