Troll Kingdom

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A disturbing email from my mother.


missmanners' favorite toy
A disturbing email from my mother!!!!!!!!

Well, since a joke or something seems to have gone over my head...

Eventhough I'm already very sceptical towards any post that has your namestamp on it. This is the topping on a very distastefull cake.

1 - If this is real, then I surely don't know why you would post such a thing over at TK. The forum's here for a reason, and your post is not it.
2 - If this is not real, then god... please.. grow a sense of humor coz again... this ain't it.

castek is using the "Robin-Williams-on-cocaine-in-the-80s" improvisation approach here. Essentially, toss anything against the wall, and see what sticks.

That e-mail is not genuine.

I respect your persistence, if not the result, Richard.
Originally posted by "Captain Decker"

castek is using the "Robin-Williams-on-cocaine-in-the-80s" improvisation approach here. Essentially, toss anything against the wall, and see what sticks.

LOL That's eligable for quote of the month.
Originally posted by "Castek"

I'll show you! But first I need to install MSN. Standby.

Ah Christ. Would you give it up? You aren't any good at this sort of thing. You'll never be a good troll. You aren't good at this kind of stuff. You don't know how to troll effectively. You aren't good at doing things like this. You will never be good at doing things like this. I don't like you, not because you've succeeded at trolling, but because you are a pathetic loser who thinks he can troll. Your duals are uncreative, you style is unentertaining, and you try too hard. Are you still lost between the lines? Do I have to guide you further with simpler and simpler sentences? Go. A. Way. :P
I have to disagree, Undina. Castek is my friend and a very curious, persistent young man that just needs guidance - he has the basic cunning to go far if he wants to. Take a look at his dual "Professor Moriarty" - you will agree that Moriarty was charming, intelligent, well spoken, and enjoyable to read. Granted that some of his duals are obvious crap, but he does have the talent. He just needs refining.
Yes, I suppose I may be depressed, but I'd be far too embarassed to admit that to anyone in real life. So I must suffer forever, or find a way to steal the needed medications. :(
I'd really like to respond about my thoughts on prison sex but I have become aware that a certain classmate of mine is now censoring my posts...
Originally posted by "Castek"

Yes, I suppose I may be depressed, but I'd be far too embarassed to admit that to anyone in real life. So I must suffer forever, or find a way to steal the needed medications. :(

smoke lots of pot, sell it at school to pay for your own habits. at about $200 an oz, you can smoke a gram for every three you sell. It's like real estate agency or something.

and hey, depression can be fashonable if you're into goth.