A fond TBBS memory...


Zombie Hunter
Don't know if anyone else remembers this, but back when "Enterprise" was on TV TBBS poster Ptrope came up with an idea for an April Fool's Day prank. They had a rerun for April 1 so he gathered up a handful of confederates to do "live running commentary" on an unexpected (and totally fake) new episode, introducing the Romulans. He called the episode "The Interregnum" and it was a great deal of fun. I even came of with a sketch of the captured Romulan's uniform (it was part TOS Romulan, part Boba Fett, with a Judge Dredd style helmet thrown in for good measure). It was a lot of fun and annoyed the crap out of a fair number of people, who were frantically trying to tune in for a Romulan story that was far cooler than anything Berman and Braga could every have come up with.

It was also a lot of fun "livestreaming" "reactions." Very improv. Someone would say something and someone else would expand on it. I wonder if the thread is still there. It was a much better episode than any other Enterprise episode.


Un Banned
@Volpone , they're ALL humorless closet boys on TrekBBS!

I think@this point TrekBBSers aren't simply living in their parents' basements , but are VERY HAPPILY living in the CRAWL SPACE in their parents' basements.


beer, I want beer
Is that thread not there anymore? Is it on Wayback?

I remember that I used to have a giant C-Band satellite dish and I'd get Enterprise episodes early. (You could watch the episodes they'd beam to local TV stations for recording.) And it was a race to see which C-Band user could post their review first. I think Dennis Bailey was another one posting early C-Band reviews.