A good cup of coffee


beer, I want beer
...is a little like an orgasm.

Okay it's really not, but it's still a damn good cup of coffee.
I have the same feelings towards a good cup of tea. Which, coincidentally, I have poured myself 20 seconds ago.
I had coffee without any alcohol in it yesterday, and, honestly, it left me feeling kind of confused and conflicted.
You should do the crosscheck right this minute and see what alcohol without any coffee in it does to you.

Oh, wait. Guess it's kinda late for that suggestion.
I have the same feelings towards a good cup of tea. Which, coincidentally, I have poured myself 20 seconds ago.

I go through phases, but right now it's coffee in the morning and tea at night. I'm much more experimental with teas though, I'll try new fancy flavored stuff much more often than I will for coffee.
heh, it wouldn't make much sense to be experimental with coffee in my case: I add so much milk and sugar that it's basically sweet milk with a hint of coffee flavor. As for tea - I said it before, I'll say it again: Earl Grey for me, pls. Anytime, anywhere. If there's none available, I will grudgingly accept Assam or some exotically flavored stuff just for the fun of it, though.
I like some of those fruity sleepytime teas and other stuff, but if you say I said it I'll deny every word. Guy has to maintain a rep, y'know.

Funny coffee story: I got in the habit of hitting the Dunkin Donuts chain over here for my morning fix, and I always got it french vanilla + cream and sugar. So the hurried scrawl on the cup in black sharpie read FU C/S, and frequently the line crossed over the "s" to make it look more like a K. So for like a week I was really overtipping the cute girl at the window because I thought she was flirting with me...

I hope you thought of checking each and every cup for the added phone no....

She was kinda young for me, I have too many nieces for that kind of attraction. Makes me feel all creepy to ogle anything under twenty five...but the sentiment was nice.
She was kinda young for me, I have too many nieces for that kind of attraction. Makes me feel all creepy to ogle anything under twenty five...but the sentiment was nice.
As someone who is constantly surrounded by a bunch of really good-looking guys, with all of them wayyyyyyyyy too young for her, I know exactly what you mean... ;)