A Letter To President Bush

The Question

Saw this recently online:

Dear President Bush: I just received a solicitation for funds from you and the Republican National Committee.

First, I would like to convey my sincere best wishes for the continued health and happiness of yourself, and those you love. Being President is a tough job - certainly a job I wouldn't want - and it is filled with worries about a million different things twenty four hours a day. I hope that, at some point during your service, you are able to take a few minutes to smell the roses, and enjoy some of the finer things in life like the laughter of children and great works of art. All work and no play is just no fun at all.

Second, I really appreciate that your staff and the RNC have done enough research to actually figure out my voting patterns well enough to ascertain that I would be a good prospect for fund raising. Not everybody gets this right. Not only did I vote for you in the last election, but I actively worked for Governor Benson's campaign, and previously worked in the Pat Buchanan and other Republican campaigns. While far from rich, over the years, I have donated funds to various candidates - overwhelmingly Republican. So I really appreciate the conscientious research of your organization.

Third, I want to thank you for the tax relief which has really helped my working family. You have taken a lot of heat for the tax cut, but it has been a very positive policy and I appreciate the way you have helped hard working Americans such as myself keep more of what we earn.

But now, I have to give you the bad news. Not only am I not going to send you or the RNC a donation, I am not even going to vote for you. No - I won't be voting for John Kerry either.

I am not sure how important my reasons are to you, because I just have one vote and not much influence, but I believe it is only fair for me to let you know why I cannot vote for you.

1. Campaign Finance Reform. You, yourself, sent a letter to Congress early in your administration, explaining in minute detail, why this law was a blatantly unconstitutional violation of the First Amendment. This law makes it illegal for me to run an ad in the local paper within 60 days of an election in order to have my say; but protects and even enhances the ability of international power-brokers like George Soros to expend almost unlimited funds to influence public policy. It allows our democratic process to be hijacked by special interests - even foreign ones - even more so than before, while deliberately muzzling ordinary people like me.

Even people like Bernard Goldberg have decisively proven distinct and irrefutable political biases in our media. The Campaign Finance Reform bill serves to give those whose biases are reflected in our media even more power to corrupt our democratic process and further their un-American agendas at the expense of the rights of the American people. Right now we are fighting a war in Iraq, allegedly for the purpose of advancing Democracy -- while, at home, you have acted to allow it to be subverted by special interests. Should the next stop for our troops be Washington, D.C.?

Your job as President is to uphold and defend the Constitution. THAT is your most sacred duty. When you signed the campaign finance reform bill, you knowingly threw our First Amendment under a bus. I have no idea why you would do such a horrible thing, but since you broke your oath of office, I cannot, in good conscience, vote for you.

2. Catering to multicultural special interests. I listened, with interest, as you gave your Saturday morning radio address in Spanish. It made me wonder why, everytime I go to use an ATM or use a machine at the grocery store, I now have to pick between English and Spanish. Most of the Spanish-speaking people in this country are here illegally, or were born to people here illegally. Rather than catering to these illegal invaders, you need to expel them from our midst. Instead of defending our culture, you are surrendering it. Why? If I had wanted to surrender our culture, I would have voted for Al Gore.

There is nothing magical about the land-mass we call America. What has made America great is not its land-mass, but its people. It is the people that determine the success or failure of a country, its standard of living, its quality of life, and its achievements. The reason why Mexico is the way it is ... is because Mexico is full of Mexicans. When they come here, they recreate the environment they came from. You can look all over America and see this happening. Why, on God's green earth, would you want to turn America into Mexico del Norte? Yet, when you offer essentially an amnesty program for these illegals, that is exactly what you are doing.

You are a Yale graduate. A very bright man. You must realize the disastrous long-term consequences of your policies regarding both legal and illegal immigration. Yet you do it anyway. Why? Why do you want to doom my child to a future that looks like Mexico instead of the America of our forefathers? Whose interests are you serving? I know you are not serving the interests of typical Americans who work hard, pay their taxes, speak English and obey the law. For this reason, I cannot vote for you.

3. Your shameless subservience to Israel. I read the transcript of your most recent speech to AIPAC. Israel, in case you have forgotten, is NOT an American State. Rather, it is a foreign country with its own unique interests which, quite often, do NOT correspond with those of America. This should be intuitively obvious to even the most casual observer. But Yale-educated businessmen such as yourself have no excuse at all for not realizing such obvious facts. Media spin notwithstanding, I know you are NOT a stupid man.

There is significant and compelling evidence that Israeli agents, in America, were complicit in the 9/11 attacks; yet you allowed the Justice Department to merely deport, without prejudice or prosecution, hundreds of Israeli spies - some of whom were actually caught in the act of celebrating the WTC tragedy, and others who actually lived on the same street as the hijackers. There is, in your possession and at your fingertips, plenty of evidence to support this view - and you know it. Inquiring minds want to know why the details of the FBI investigation in this regard are unavailable to the American public.

Yet, knowing all of this, you get up in front of AIPAC's lobbyists and tug your forelock and kowtow, as though you were taking orders from them, instead of the other way around. Look, Mr. President: if I had wanted Ariel Sharon running America, I would have voted for him. I voted for you to represent American interests. This is perfectly reasonable.

I voted for you last time with high hopes of what you could bring to the Oval Office. After the stain of Bill Clinton and his inability to distinguish the meaning of the word "is," I was expecting you to restore the dignity of the office rather than breaking your solemn oath and putting our Bill of Rights up for sale to the special interests that supported Campaign Finance Reform. I am sure the fact that the major funding for that campaign came from George Soros is a bitter irony since he has pulled out all the stops to defeat you in the upcoming election, using loopholes that you signed into law.

After the stain of Al Gore's Chinese corruption scandal and "no controlling legal authority," I was expecting you to maintain your distance from the divergent interests of foreign countries instead of pledging your fealty to "Israel as a Jewish state." How about America as a European state? I guess only Jews deserve their own country. The rest of us have to be inundated with aliens babbling in innumerable foreign tongues; while being told how a country full of people pushing and pulling every which way is a "strength."

After the horrifying spectacle of Bill Clinton bragging about the upcoming demographic changes in America that threaten to turn it into a Third World country, I was expecting you to hold the line on unassimilable aliens. Especially after the 9/11 attacks, I was expecting a serious crackdown on our wide open borders. Instead, you are proposing amnesty programs for people who break our laws, standing aside while illegal aliens get in-State tuition, and appealing to them in their native language during your radio address.

I had high expectations for you. It isn't always easy for me to get to the polls and vote because I have long commutes and a lot of responsibility. But I did it last time - and I voted for you. I voted for you because I thought you would do right for America and its people.

And, to be fair, you have done a number of things right. But the things you have done wrong are a slap in the face to a man like myself who still has the blood of our founding fathers running in his veins. When I ask myself if George Washington would vote for you - I know the answer is clear: no way.

So I will not be sending a donation to the RNC or to your campaign this year, though I appreciate you taking the time to ask, and doing the diligent research.

When I walk into the voting booth this year, even if I have to write his name in and even if it will be "throwing my vote away," I am going to vote my conscience and do what I believe is right. I will cast my vote for David Duke. And the donation that I would have sent to you? I will be sending it to the National Alliance.

Maybe I should summarize this in the language of the people you want to vote for you: Lo siento mucho, El Presidente; pero mi hija es mas importante que Israel. Entiende usted?

Very truly,

John Young
Well that about sums it up, don't you think?

Now if we could only get people from both sides of the aisle to figure out that the problem in our political process is the legislators which have been elected to fill the seats on either side of the aisle, and their handlers, and not any one party, any one president.

Conservatives, Liberals, your party of choice is not the one which is going to come charging into power and save us from the mess we're in. Because we've all displayed an appalling lack of concern, and not required our leaders to be accountable on any vote, any issue for decades, we're getting a class 1, grade-A, bicameral fist fucking from those whom are, at least in theory, given title and power in order to look out for our best interests.

Wanna make a difference? Quit believing that the Right or the Left, as they exist today, are predisposed to any noble purpose in the course of governance. Democrats and Republicans are both given over to doing whatever they damned-well please with nary a care about those who pulled their lever in the last election.

Thanks, TQ, I'm with that guy.
It's the SySTEM, Dude!


Aside from the jest, it was well thought out and backed up.

I'm waiting for our "blind-with-faith" resident republicans to get in on this.