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A million dollars from Murdoch


Registered User the repugnican governor's association.
No attempt was made to even pretend a similar gift was/is forthcoming to the democan'ts governor's association.

While the argument can be made that "buying" elections is a bad thing, I should remind anybody who hasn't been paying attention this sort of thing has long been the norm. Only the size of the donation is new, at least where the gov's association is concerned.

I say the donation was a very good thing.
Faux news today has a lot less credibility (yes, that was possible) behind their "fair and balanced" bullshit.

Nevermind that several of their commentators and analysts have run or are likely to run for political office on a repugnican ticket. Nevermind that faux news has been churning out a 24/7+365 anti-Obummer shitfest. Nevermind that faux news has been busted time and again for distortions and lies almost invariably aimed at damaging or embarassing a democan't (with the occasional self-serving faux pas thrown in, such as *ahem* accidentally rolling the wrong video that had the effect of overinflating a rally's attendance).

None of that was enough to convince some people that faux news was effectively a propaganda machine for the repugnican party.

But they have to see it now, right?
I mean... it doesn't get more obvious than this, right?

Therefore I say again: it's a good thing. Cards on the table time.
No more hiding behind the laughable "fair and balanced" facade.

It'll be interesting to see how the white house in particular and democan'ts in general choose to react. It's a gift they could never have bought for themselves at any price...

...but if I were a betting man my money would be on the democan'ts utterly failing to capitalize on this situation. They'll be afraid it would ruin their own shot at getting a million smackeroos from somebody.

The fools.
though the channel itself pretends to be fair and balanced, none of the actual hosts do, they all are partisan screwballs, and that's why it's entertaining. CNN, NBC, they hide their partisanism, it's less entertaining, more serious. CNN is still good, but NBC...

Plus the women on fox news have some strange sex appeal.
I stick to world news through PBS. It makes my farts smell better than everyone else's and all I have to do is occasionally run outside to hug a tree. I picked one with a knothole in it so I can multitask...
I stick to world news through PBS. It makes my farts smell better than everyone else's and all I have to do is occasionally run outside to hug a tree. I picked one with a knothole in it so I can multitask...

I'm pretty sure I would have been much happier not knowing all of that.

For international news I like RadioIQ (NPR and BBC mashup).
...and I may never be able to look at trees the same way. Evar. Damn you!
Two words 'Robin' 'Mead'

I watch her morning show with the volume down and I don't read the ticker.