A Musical Sexual Experience...


I'm talking literally, not figuratively.

I first saw this artist when he was playing in the local Borders in SoCal. I was there, reading my book, when this annoying Spanish guitarist started playing. It took all of 30 seconds for me to put down the book, and forget about it for the rest of the evening.

This guy can wail! Not only that, but he puts so much passion into his playing, that you just get drawn in to it.

And those fingers! The way those fingers strum those strings, one can only imagine how well he uses those fingers in, uh, other situations. ;)

He literally, actually brought me to orgasm one night with the piece I'm about to link you to. The passion, the soul, the deep love of his music comes thru.

And he's a down to earth man, as well. I talked with him. He's very humble, and genuinely loves what he does.

Okay, here's the site. It will take a while to load. Once you get to the home page, click "VIDEO". Once at the video page, click, "BARAKA...SOLO".


The song starts out slow, but by the middle, he really gets his groove on. And by the end...you all will need a cigarette. :bigass:

His name is Robby Longley, BTW...

Siiiiiigh....... :D
Oh, and watch his video of Dixie, dedicated to the survivors of Hurricane Katrina (he's originally from New Orleans). The slow, bluesy rendition really conveys his deep sadness over the tragic event.

Baraka (solo) was pretty damn good
Four horsemen was much better IMO
He's not my usual cup of tea but he's wicked talented and he plays with his heart, so that gives him a shitload of listenability to me