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A spiritual journey

Of course you would make this about you. However my spiritual journey does not allow me to comment about that, even tho I am going to. My spiritual journey requires that I be humble and not focus on others, only myself. Except when I must help others.
Everything is always about Pickle. I've said that before and I'll say it again. Whatever. Please tell us more about this spiritual journey, LC.
Please tell us. Im dying to know. Im sure this wasnt just one of your random threads that never really go anywhere. Im positive there wont be any sexual references and by the conclusion of this discussion, we'll all see you in some sort of transcendental light.

*waits patiently in line to be enlightened*
Well I'm beginning to see the light
Some people work very hard
But still they never get it right
Hey now baby I'm beginning
To see the light (kinda softer)
There's some problems in these
Times, but WHEW! None of them
are mine...I'm beginning to see the light

How does it feel to be loved?

~~Lou Reed