A trial in the Badlands?


Let's fuck some shit up
Hey, I'm the only jurist around here! If there is to be a trial in the Badlands, I'll be the one presiding.

Illyana can be the council for the defense and mm can act as council for the prosecution.

We should select a jury of Badlands citizens.

I think that since our numbers are small, the jury should only consist of six members.

I nominate the following:
Dirk Funk
Love Child
and Falconarg

I will give the advocates 24 hours to prepare their case. I should hope that in the interests of fair play, mm will share any and all evidence with the defense. Not that I expect such a display of generosity, but it would show good faith.
I'll gladly be the assigned council.. unless Omar wants someone else to defend his casel
As long as we're pulling shit out of our respective asses and completely ignoring the Spamstitution, can we vet the jurors for bias?
What's the case? Whose on trial? and for what?

When I first saw this thread I thought maybe me and the DLP were being put on trial. But I'll gladly sit on the jury if I'm not on trial.
the jury will obviously be partial to Dual. Missmanners should have final say, or at least have equal nWo representation.
This whole thing has a big imaginary "For Entertainment Purposes Only" sticker slapped on it. Of course missmanners is going to have her say.
As long as we're pulling shit out of our respective asses and completely ignoring the Spamstitution, can we vet the jurors for bias?

bias? Yub hates dual right about now. Gonad and Love Child are just as likely to convict him as they are to go off and fuck eachother. Loktar and Dirk are the only two I can say have a true bias in favor of Dual. Finally, there's Falconarg. Need I say more?

As for NWO presence, they need to be citizens as this is an internal matter.

Dual is accused of violating the Spamstitution and must stand trial.
bias? Yub hates dual right about now. Gonad and Love Child are just as likely to convict him as they are to go off and fuck eachother. Loktar and Dirk are the only two I can say have a true bias in favor of Dual. Finally, there's Falconarg. Need I say more?

As for NWO presence, they need to be citizens as this is an internal matter.

Dual is accused of violating the Spamstitution and must stand trial.

That's what I'm worried about - not so much the balance or anything, but that people are going to turn the trial into an indirect referendum on Dual's modship in general.

I'm not sure you could come up with 3-5 more guaranteed disinterested jurors, though, since six people is already like half the people who post here regularly.

IMHO, populations this small and homogenous aren't really suited to a US-style adversarial system. We'd do much better to adopt a tribunal system if we embrace a trial framework at all.
That's what I'm worried about - not so much the balance or anything, but that people are going to turn the trial into an indirect referendum on Dual's modship in general.

I'm not sure you could come up with 3-5 more guaranteed disinterested jurors, though, since six people is already like half the people who post here regularly.

IMHO, populations this small and homogenous aren't really suited to a US-style adversarial system. We'd do much better to adopt a tribunal system if we embrace a trial framework at all.

true dat
Oh! Oh! I want in! I like to watch Law & Order a lot so I think I'll be a good juror!

This means sticking it to big corporations right?