A very simple question for wheezie


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Did you think the "my community" in the banner was my idea?

Forget the stupid thread in Jax House


Forever Empress E
I have no idea whose idea it was. It is your board so if it wasn't your idea you liked the idea enough to use it. Besides, it isn't inclusive of what would be my community so it is someone else's community and, therefore, not my issue. You set the tone and I will either participate or I won't. I'm not interested in a rehash of TK. TK serves its purpose fine enough for me and I stay out on the front porch, leaving the inner sanctums to which the likes of the abusive "Gear" type personalities are invited.

Did notice you've taken the Troll out of the name even though it is still in the url. That is promising.

And, no, I don't give a simple answer - ever - unless I decide to do so.


beer, I want beer
You DO realize you're one of the "abusive" personalities, right?


Forever Empress E
You DO realize you're one of the "abusive" personalities, right?

Actually, I am a reactionary personality. If you feel I have abused you then you should look to your own initiating actions. Every time you and I have gotten into it you came after me, not the other way around.


beer, I want beer
You don't have the ability to abuse me and apparently your memory is somewhat faulty. To be expected, I guess. But I am continually astounded at your capacity for self deception. To stay here year after year, slumming with what's left of the trolls, mixing it up with the worst of them while pretending that's not what you're doing, holding on to some illusory sense of piety so you can feel superior to the very same posters whose attentions you crave...you are wallowing in exactly the same mud and pigshit as the rest of us, Eloisel. And don't look now, but you got some on ya whether you admit it or not.


Forever Empress E
You don't have the ability to abuse me and apparently your memory is somewhat faulty. To be expected, I guess. But I am continually astounded at your capacity for self deception. To stay here year after year, slumming with what's left of the trolls, mixing it up with the worst of them while pretending that's not what you're doing, holding on to some illusory sense of piety so you can feel superior to the very same posters whose attentions you crave...you are wallowing in exactly the same mud and pigshit as the rest of us, Eloisel. And don't look now, but you got some on ya whether you admit it or not.
Interesting that you continue to project yourself on to me. It isn't me with the illusory sense of piety. In addition, it isn't me that considers this place a slum or conversing with the posters here as slumming.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
btw wheeez, thats the left half of the header that appears with the software. the board that distributes it is called "my community", and it was originally one line of 10 point type connected to the SMF logo til I insrted the banner. The banner is 12 times the size and the ftp acted accordingly on their logo.

And here I thought I had a hair trigger :::shrugs::: I;m still trying to identify the block of type so I can remove it and replace it with the TKR logo Pter Octavion was nice enough to spend the last few weeks designing.

Your assumption was incorrect/


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Now Im going back to sleep. what a fucking bunch of bullshit


Forever Empress E
btw wheeez, thats the left half of the header that appears with the software. the board that distributes it is called "my community", and it was originally one line of 10 point type connected to the SMF logo til I insrted the banner. The banner is 12 times the size and the ftp acted accordingly on their logo.

And here I thought I had a hair trigger :::shrugs::: I;m still trying to identify the block of type so I can remove it and replace it with the TKR logo Pter Octavion was nice enough to spend the last few weeks designing.

Your assumption was incorrect/

Oh well. So I'm wrong again. Good luck on your effort.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
oh christ Im too drunk it hurtz


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
If I were a little moer depressed Id jest have rectal itych hold open thwe wound whilst I bled ot death


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
what fun


beer, I want beer
Interesting that you continue to project yourself on to me. It isn't me with the illusory sense of piety. In addition, it isn't me that considers this place a slum or conversing with the posters here as slumming.

Congratulations! Your banal post and weak deflection attempt just gave me my 1,000,000th apathetic thought. I should be more excited about that, but...meh.


Forever Empress E
Congratulations! Your banal post and weak deflection attempt just gave me my 1,000,000th apathetic thought. I should be more excited about that, but...meh.

So, how many times will you wake up in the middle of the night tonight dreaming of something to write to me?

Arthritic banality apparently has a way of working its way under your skin. Tip: Next time you decide to write stuff to me on your shower wall using your soap slathered body as a writing instrument, turn on the cold water instead.


Forever Empress E
If I were a little moer depressed Id jest have rectal itych hold open thwe wound whilst I bled ot death

BTW - I didn't see the "My Community" slug line until you mentioned it in this thread.

Why are you so depressed?


beer, I want beer
So, how many times will you wake up in the middle of the night tonight dreaming of something to write to me?

Arthritic banality apparently has a way of working its way under your skin. Tip: Next time you decide to write stuff to me on your shower wall using your soap slathered body as a writing instrument, turn on the cold water instead.

Run with that. The thought that I really do those things, and the resulting imnplication that at least one person in the world pauses to think about your continued existence, might be enough to keep you from jumping off a bridge.

Just don't try to buy a cup of coffee with it.

Also, please stop imagining my naked, soap slathered body. It's making my skin crawl.


Forever Empress E
Oh boy. Thank god you aren't the only one who thinks about me.

I am truly blessed to have a very nice life with friends and family who love me and care about me.

And, I don't imagine you naked - ever. I picture you as a sort of sasquatch type person with a big forehead, deep set eyes, and a thick unibrow. Ewwww.


beer, I want beer
Oh boy. Thank god you aren't the only one who thinks about me.

I am truly blessed to have a very nice life with friends and family who love me and care about me.

And, I don't imagine you naked - ever. I picture you as a sort of sasquatch type person with a big forehead, deep set eyes, and a thick unibrow. Ewwww.

That's only because those two fuckers Patterson and Gimlin surprised me when I'd been camping like a month, and hadn't combed my hair or anything. I get more trouble from that stupid film.

Anyway, for "not thinking of me naked" you sure do bring it up a lot. Christ, I hope you're not trying to rub one out while thinking of me. Not only would it make me throw up a little in my mouth, but the puff of dust from your spasming old cooter is likely to restart the great Dust Bowl of 1932.