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A Whole Vanload of Retarded people came to my yard sale today


New member
They were Pacesetters or something. I was inside talking to the guy installing my patio door and one of my neighbors stopped by to see what was going on (she saw people loading my furniture in their trucks), I asked her to "mind the store" for a few. I didn't see them pull up, but a few minutes later she came inside and said, "there are some ~ handicapped ~ people out here who want to know how much your games are." Louie looked out and said......"they are Pacesetters or from some kind of home" and I said....."how do you know?" and he said "cause they pulled up in that van>>>points to van" and I was like..........."Wow! I'm glad they made them stay in the van" but a few managed to escape to "shop"!! I gave them all the girl or woman (it is hard to tell a retarded person's chronological age)....kept saying "how much for this and this and that" and I pulled out a bunch of costume jewelry, put it on her.....gave her a bingo game and said....."here, you can have this stuff, but you need to share it with all the retarded people who had to stay in the van"..........and she was estactic!!! Went flying down the yard with the "goods"...........then she came back and asked if I had a bag.
FederalAgent007 said:
They were Pacesetters or something. I was inside talking to the guy installing my patio door and one of my neighbors stopped by to see what was going on (she saw people loading my furniture in their trucks), I asked her to "mind the store" for a few. I didn't see them pull up, but a few minutes later she came inside and said, "there are some ~ handicapped ~ people out here who want to know how much your games are." Louie looked out and said......"they are Pacesetters or from some kind of home" and I said....."how do you know?" and he said "cause they pulled up in that van>>>points to van" and I was like..........."Wow! I'm glad they made them stay in the van" but a few managed to escape to "shop"!! I gave them all the girl or woman (it is hard to tell a retarded person's chronological age)....kept saying "how much for this and this and that" and I pulled out a bunch of costume jewelry, put it on her.....gave her a bingo game and said....."here, you can have this stuff, but you need to share it with all the retarded people who had to stay in the van"..........and she was estactic!!! Went flying down the yard with the "goods"...........then she came back and asked if I had a bag.

Did you happen to see MESSEDUP or MENTALCASE amongst the group? Just curious.
^dunno..............but out of the blue comes an old friend of mine. I used to go out on the lake with he and his wife (they got a divorce a few years ago) when we were all in college, then afterwards when he got a bigger boat. We used to have so much fun!!!!!!! He reminds me of Sadistic Bastard, but he isn't into all the BDSM stuff.............he is just a kink.
So I told E.T.~~I am moving!!!!! and he was like.......What???? and I said......Yeah!!!! and he said.........."But we never got to have sex with each other"..............and I said.........."huh?" and he said................"What are you doing tonight??" and I said.............."I'm having a yard sale"..........and he said, "How about tomorrow??? we go to the houseboat, I have a queen-size bed with our name on it, we will stay the week-end".............and I was like........"Maybe another week-end, let me think about it"

then I started thinking about all those times when we were partying on his boat and he would read us stories from Penthouse magazine, try to get M and I to have a threesome with him, try to get all the girls to sunbathe nude, tell us we needed to spread our legs out more to get sun on our inner thighs, ask us if he could see our big deal!! Then I remembered how he got really horny when there were 4 of us on the boat and we all sunbathed topless!!!!!!

He started masturbating and I saw his big, massive cock!!!!!!!!!! *shudders*