About Kara and All Along The Watchtower


I want to smell dark matter
I think people (me one of them) get too caught up in looking for "answers" in tv shows now, PROBABLY because of LOST, the most myesterious tv show ever (or something.) So why we see Starbuck finding the way to Earth by remebering playing 'All Along the Watchtower' with her father we ask questions like "IS HER DAD A CYLON, WHO WROTE THE SONG IN THE FIRS TPLACE, WHO TAUGHT IT TO HIM, HOW COME WE HAVEN'T SEEN THAT PIANO BEFORE, AAAH."

When, really, the point of the scene was that Kara was finally confronting her "daddy issues" and coming to terms with her dad leaving. She had been brought back to life like Gandalf the White to finish her task and she had to let go of her past and her emotional baggage to finally get there. The way to Earth had been with her all along, so of course it was her destiny to lead humanity there! All she had to do was be able to face her past and face who she is to remember that frakking song. The mechanics of how the song matched up with the jump coordinates don't matter (though I can confirm that it was a super evolvled AI behind it all.)

Umm, I just thought this so I posted it.

(I'm still not entirely satisfied with her just vanishing when Lee looked away for a second because it's harder to reconcile with my super-evolved AI theory. Even the Head Characters can kind of be explained by that since they can be seen as an extension of the Cylon Projection ability.)

((It's also interesting that she found the cylon Earth after forgiving her mother in Maelstrom. Her two parents led her to the two Earths, kind of. I wonder if finding the cylon Earth was ever part of her destiny or if she was just shown that so that humanity would learn it wasn't the Earth they were looking for. Shame it made Dually blow her pretty head off.))


Boobie inspector
I also think the god was a super evolved AI, but I also think this AI could manipulate its own atoms to be solid, liquid or gas, so it would be easy enough for it to give up bits of itself temporarily to be Kara, her viper, and the small perfectly timed asteroid that hit racetrack.


I want to smell dark matter
I don't know about all that, beacuse there's plenty of other times that would have come in handy that he didn't intervene. BUT LIKE I SAID, the characters are more important than the details, so for that reason it makes more sense for it to be Kara reborn rather than a computer recreation, because we saw things from her point of view and it has to be really her figuring it out and facing her past for it to have any emotional impact.


Boobie inspector
If you could build a person with every atom in the exact place as the original, it would beleive itself to be the original.


Touching the monolith
Staff member
I don't know about the super advanced AI, but I agree with you about just letting some things about the show be. Not everything has to be explained, and I liked that they left some of it ambiguous.


I want to smell dark matter
And all the people who said the episode with the piano was "filler" are kind of dumb. It was from this character heavy episode that she found the way to Earth, not by technobabbling the monkstain then meeping the tunanose.

I think there's quite a bit of evidence for super-advanced AI God...


Touching the monolith
Staff member
An AI god would make sense since there are god believing robots on the show.


I want to smell dark matter

1) The One True God is apparently a Centurion idea. That's interesting. Could it be because the God is mechanical and finds it easier to communicate with them?
2) The hybrids also have something of a connection with The One True God. They seem to be able to tap into this intelligence when they jump, though it comes out all muddled (perhaps because they aren't pure machines like the centurions.)
3) The Skinjobs (who are machines, kind of) seem to have a limited connection with TOTG (Leoben particularly and D'Anna when she kept dying and resurrecting herself and Hera of course.)
4) The cylon projection ability always seemed to be linked to the head people to me. When it was first introduced I remember Baltar being very interested in them being able to see things and places that aren't there. Could it be that Cylon Projection taps into some larger consciousness? The Head People might be transmitted along this frequency.
5) Baltar has a really big brian. He's almost like a living computer. And God can talk to him because it's a computer too! (Okay, this one is dodgy.)
6) Mathematics. Simon mentioned that it was "all about mathematics" in the end. Kara used mathematics to assign jump coordinates to the song. Head Baltar and Six talked about mathematics and how something new will pop up in the cylcle eventually and such. What is good with mathematics? A SUPER EVOLVED COMPUTER.
7) "All of this has happened before and it will happen again." We don't know at all how many times it has happened. We don't really know if Kobol was the first time humanity lived and the first time cylons were created. It could have happened for the first time hundreds of thousands of years before Kobol (maybe Kobol was started by the surivors of some earlier planet, like Earth was?) God could be the very first AI ever created all those years ago, evolving all along, taking an interest in its creators and trying to save them in its own way.
8) "You know it doesn't like being called that," said Head Baltar. It. IT. IT = INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY. OMG!

yeah I've thought about this too much


Is this real life?
Whatever the one true God is, it's not the one or the true God really is it? TOTG was one of the Lords of Kobol, right? They were supposed to all be Gods, maybe they were descended from some form of skinjob, each God being the remaining copy of their model.

Anyway, it seems like throughout the whole series the jealous God was punishing the Colonials for believing in its rivals and not accepting it as the one and only. That's until Baltar gives his speech at the end where they all agree that they've felt a force that's guided them. So he got his way in the end.


I want to smell dark matter
Or maybe it was just Boxey.


Touching the monolith
Staff member
Dammit, I read something about an AI God this morning and thought of you, Wacky. Now I don't remember where I read it! I should take notes at all times, in case I find something important.


I want to smell dark matter


I want to smell dark matter
Well it was never clear if "God" in BSG actually made the humans.


Touching the monolith
Staff member
Maybe god made the cylons and the cylons made the humans.


I want to smell dark matter


I want to smell dark matter