ACHTUNG for Yub.


Un Banned
Back off NOW. Run to the hills or your User CP gets decimated WORSE than :pickle:'s back in December 2009.

DUMMY UP :jesus: Boy.

:pickle: had 20 pages of smiley spam. You'll have more pages of smiley spam & size 7 text than the # of pages in "War & Peace".
This thread is full of flail. If Aquederp thrashes about in it any more, I'll add some dish-washing detergent and a modicum of water, then he can really foam it up.
This thread is full of flail. If Aquederp thrashes about in it any more, I'll add some dish-washing detergent and a modicum of water, then he can really foam it up.

Just post some crap Ween youtubes. I'm sure that will drive Aquehonga away really fast if it doesn't make him want to kill himself first.
Pot. Kettle. Black.

We're all cunts to some degree. The trick is not to become an irritating annoying cunt like yourself.

You look like a man whose User CP is about to have a heart attack.

This thread is full of flail. If Aquederp thrashes about in it any more, I'll add some dish-washing detergent and a modicum of water, then he can really foam it up.

:mad:You helped :pickle: have me kicked off LoNAF:pissed:

Just post some crap Ween youtubes. I'm sure that will drive Aquehonga away really fast if it doesn't make him want to kill himself first.

no u:p