Aerospace Hall Of Fame Scientist Erased From History.

The Question

Source: said:
Former Nazi Removed From Space Hall of Fame
© 2006 The Associated Press(reprinted under Fair Use provisions)

ALAMOGORDO, N.M. — A former Nazi scientist who was linked to experiments on prisoners in the Dachau concentration camp in Germany has been ousted from the International Space Hall of Fame.

Hubertus Strughold, who had been honored in 1978 for work in developing the spacesuit and space capsule and for his contributions to space medicine, was removed last week by unanimous vote of the New Mexico Museum of Space History's commission.

The German-born scientist was brought to this country by the U.S. military after World War II to work on aerospace projects. He died in 1987.

The removal process began last fall after a museum visitor noticed Strughold's name in its hall of fame and notified the New Mexico Anti-Defamation League, said Susan Seligman, the league's regional director.

The league uncovered records of Strughold's past and presented them to the commission. Strughold was linked to experiments on concentration camp prisoners in the 1940s as the Nazi director of medical research for aviation, Seligman said, though she said she did not know of him personally conducting experiments.

Strughold's name was removed from Brooks Air Force Base's aero-medical library in 1995 and his picture was removed from the mural "The World History of Medicine" at Ohio State University in 1993, the Anti-Defamation League said.

Rewriting history -- naw, that never happens, does it kids?
Mengele contributed quite a bit to medical knowledge, didn't he? Let's paint a mural of him. Hey, someone write up a proposal and send it to George Bush. He just might sign it!
What did Mengele contribute? There's a difference, too, between not putting a reputed butcher in the Hall of Fame and stripping someone out of history after contributing to some pretty fundamental aerospace technology (like the spacesuit, for example) just because he was indirectly tied to shady shit, things he may or may not have signed off on or even known about.
Mengele was the doctor who did all sorts of medical experiments using humans as guinea pigs at the concentration camps. What he did was horrific, but it did produce a great deal of medical knowledge, didn't it? If scientific contributions should be recognized regardless of how they were attained, then he should get his props, don't ya think?
Maybe he should -- the difference between him and Strughold, though, AFAIK, is that Strughold wasn't convicted of war crimes. You'd think if he'd committed war crimes, he would've been locked up instead of given a job by our government, wouldn't you? I mean, considering how hard they went after the war criminals, it wouldn't make sense that they'd hire one, right?
The Question said:
Maybe he should -- the difference between him and Strughold, though, AFAIK, is that Strughold wasn't convicted of war crimes. You'd think if he'd committed war crimes, he would've been locked up instead of given a job by our government, wouldn't you? I mean, considering how hard they went after the war criminals, it wouldn't make sense that they'd hire one, right?

Operation Paperclip, TQ.

We scooped up as many nazi scientists as we could keep from the Russians in the aftermath of WWII, and didn't look too hard at their "affiliations", so to speak.

That being said, I agree that "disappearing" individuals from the historical record for politically correct sentiment is basically a stalinist approach and the epitome of revisionism.
Morrhigan said:
Mengele contributed quite a bit to medical knowledge, didn't he? Let's paint a mural of him. Hey, someone write up a proposal and send it to George Bush. He just might sign it!
What a strawman.
Gurk_MacGuintey said:
Operation Paperclip, TQ.

We scooped up as many nazi scientists as we could keep from the Russians in the aftermath of WWII, and didn't look too hard at their "affiliations", so to speak.

Oh, I'm familiar with Paperclip, of course. I'm just wondering how long it'll be before Wernher Von Braun gets the same treatment as Strughold.
The Question said:
Oh, I'm familiar with Paperclip, of course. I'm just wondering how long it'll be before Wernher Von Braun gets the same treatment as Strughold.

At the rate white people are being out-bred by 'peoples of color', it won't be too long.